05:00 PM - 05:30 PM
This session will explore how blockchain technologies will come into play in AR and VR multiverses, including possible future scenarios, identifying needs and requirements, and calls-to-action for the technology community.
05:00 PM - 05:30 PM
This session will explore how blockchain technologies will come into play in AR and VR multiverses, including possible future scenarios, identifying needs and requirements, and calls-to-action for the technology community.
05:30 PM - 06:00 PM
A decade ago, advancements in hardware technology drove innovations in network infrastructure -- and we've collectively been reaping the benefits ever since. But this symbiosis of high-speed wireless connectivity and device capabilities is about to be upended by the arrival of 5G. The advanced network platform is poised to enable a hardware revolution, and this has significant (some might say "huge") implications for creators and technologists. The fact is: 5G is here, and innovators are skating to where the puck is going to be. Learn how you can meet them there and be ready when this new technology presents new opportunities for the augmented reality industry. (Spoiler: that time is now.)
05:30 PM - 06:00 PM
A decade ago, advancements in hardware technology drove innovations in network infrastructure -- and we've collectively been reaping the benefits ever since. But this symbiosis of high-speed wireless connectivity and device capabilities is about to be upended by the arrival of 5G. The advanced network platform is poised to enable a hardware revolution, and this has significant (some might say "huge") implications for creators and technologists. The fact is: 5G is here, and innovators are skating to where the puck is going to be. Learn how you can meet them there and be ready when this new technology presents new opportunities for the augmented reality industry. (Spoiler: that time is now.)