Marta Ordeig
Founder Garage Stories

Filmmaker and entrepreneur residing between Silicon Valley and Barcelona. In 2016 she founded Garage Stories, a content lab where she gathers creatives minds from various background to co-create and explore the endless possibilities that emerging technologies are bringing into the table and take an active part in shaping the future of entertainment.


May 31

03:30 PM - 04:00 PM

Grand Ballroom C

Garage Stories Creathon (Creative Hackathon) Winners talk

Cristy Stone | SIA Reality

Noreen Qureshi | SIA Reality

Ewan Johnson | SIA Reality

Darius Clarke | SIA Reality

Erik Flowers | SIA Reality

Marta Ordeig | Garage Stories

May 31

03:30 PM - 04:00 PM

Grand Ballroom C

Garage Stories Creathon (Creative Hackathon) Winners talk

Cristy Stone | SIA Reality

Noreen Qureshi | SIA Reality

Ewan Johnson | SIA Reality

Darius Clarke | SIA Reality

Erik Flowers | SIA Reality

Marta Ordeig | Garage Stories