09:40 AM - 10:20 AM
Lawrence Wagner | Spark Mindset
Ross Newman | XR Safety Initiative
Kavya Pearlman | XR Safety Initiative
When we look to sci-fi from decades ago, we see post-racial and post-gender societies. Emerging technologies are effectively shaping our present and our future into something new, but gender gap and minority exclusion still remain in the tech industries.
At the beginning of this new decade, the time has come to take new steps into some of the biggest challenges of a world that's evolving faster and faster. Diversity and inclusion are at the heart of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet created by the United Nations in 2015.
In January 2020, a diverse group of top-level experts in the cybersecurity industry decided to join into a shared effort to bring D&I into the upcoming era, the one that is being shaped by emerging technologies, such as AI and XR. The immersive new worlds we are building is a replica of the existing society, and this is clear when we look to phenomena like race and gender bias in AI or the self-representation and the harassment in Social VR.
This diversity panel that includes leaders from various leading Diversity and cybersecurity focus organizations, an attempt is made to shed light on the very issues and potentially solve some with strategic collaboration.
08:00 AM - 08:20 AM
Since 2010, AWE’s mission has been to shepherd the AR and VR (XR) industry into the mainstream; we strive to showcase the best of the best - thought leaders, practitioners, startups, and leading corporations. For the next decade our aspiration is to continue to work with you to guide the industry into becoming an essential part of our lives and work.
In his welcome keynote address, the co-founder of AWE will envision the Spatial World of 2030.
If we know where we are going, we have more confidence in taking the first step.
08:00 AM - 08:20 AM
Since 2010, AWE’s mission has been to shepherd the AR and VR (XR) industry into the mainstream; we strive to showcase the best of the best - thought leaders, practitioners, startups, and leading corporations. For the next decade our aspiration is to continue to work with you to guide the industry into becoming an essential part of our lives and work.
In his welcome keynote address, the co-founder of AWE will envision the Spatial World of 2030.
If we know where we are going, we have more confidence in taking the first step.
08:20 AM - 08:40 AM
Said Bakadir, Director, Product Management in XR will talk about the current XR landscape. He will also talk about existing technology trends and requirements and of those in the near future that will need to be addressed in order to continue to grow both the enterprise and consumer XR industries.
08:20 AM - 08:40 AM
Said Bakadir, Director, Product Management in XR will talk about the current XR landscape. He will also talk about existing technology trends and requirements and of those in the near future that will need to be addressed in order to continue to grow both the enterprise and consumer XR industries.
08:40 AM - 09:00 AM
The digital revolution has changed every aspect of our lives, the very essence of how we live, work and play. It's defied predictions of visionaries and techno prophets where instead of creating an alternative cyber space parallel to our reality, the opposite is happening: information is no longer confined to the pixels on our screens. The entire physical world -- even living and breathing matter -- is being infused with data, demanding new, unprecedented forms of interactivity.
In this talk, Ivan Poupyrev will discuss his explorations of the present and the future where technology, connectivity and intelligence are woven into the very fabric of our lives. He will outline his vision of the world as an interface where everything is connected and interactive, viewed through a lens of projects that cover over 20 years of research and that spans and connects a variety of fields from augmented and virtual reality, haptics and touch interfaces, to radars, smart fabrics and interactive living plants. The talk will present his most recent explorations in creating future ambient computing environments: development of a pico-radar for awareness and touchless gesture interaction (Project Soli), and designing a platform for manufacturing interactive, connected soft goods at scale (Project Jacquard).