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May 28

08:00 AM - 08:20 AM


How is AR resonating with everyday consumers? Amidst all the theories and speculation about its scale and utility, there’s little tangible evidence of mobile AR’s actual engagement levels. With that in mind, ARtillery Intelligence has partnered with Thrive Analytics to field the first-ever consumer survey (n=3000) for usage and sentiments about mobile AR. How often are they using it? How satisfied are they? What types of experiences do they like most? And how much are they willing to pay for mobile AR apps and experiences? We have the answers. Now in its third wave, the survey also has a solid baseline data for longitudinal analysis and notable trending. We’ll walk through the latest results and draw out meaning and strategic implications for AR players.


Chief Analyst , ARtillery Intelligence
May 28

08:00 AM - 08:20 AM


How is AR resonating with everyday consumers? Amidst all the theories and speculation about its scale and utility, there’s little tangible evidence of mobile AR’s actual engagement levels. With that in mind, ARtillery Intelligence has partnered with Thrive Analytics to field the first-ever consumer survey (n=3000) for usage and sentiments about mobile AR. How often are they using it? How satisfied are they? What types of experiences do they like most? And how much are they willing to pay for mobile AR apps and experiences? We have the answers. Now in its third wave, the survey also has a solid baseline data for longitudinal analysis and notable trending. We’ll walk through the latest results and draw out meaning and strategic implications for AR players.


Chief Analyst , ARtillery Intelligence
May 28

08:20 AM - 08:40 AM


Timoni West, Director of XR Tools at Unity, will go through some historical contexts around early pioneers and thinkers in computing, and how their particular mental models influence us even today. As we reach mass consumer computer adoption, but still consider computers far from truly human-focused, it’s a useful exercise to consider why we continue to make technology that feels so foreign to us.


Director of XR Research , Unity Technologies
May 28

08:20 AM - 08:40 AM


Timoni West, Director of XR Tools at Unity, will go through some historical contexts around early pioneers and thinkers in computing, and how their particular mental models influence us even today. As we reach mass consumer computer adoption, but still consider computers far from truly human-focused, it’s a useful exercise to consider why we continue to make technology that feels so foreign to us.


Director of XR Research , Unity Technologies
May 28

08:40 AM - 09:00 AM


Having spent 54 years developing virtual and augmented reality technology and applications, Dr. Furness has a ‘grandfather’s’ perspective to derive lessons learned and make recommendations about how we should approach the future of XR development and application. Dr. Furness will present a manifesto containing 14 principles for all who participate in the XR community to embrace for creating a technology that truly lifts humanity. He will also outline new initiatives of the Virtual World Society to enrich the XR community of developers.


Founder & Chairman , Virtual World Society
May 28

08:40 AM - 09:00 AM


Having spent 54 years developing virtual and augmented reality technology and applications, Dr. Furness has a ‘grandfather’s’ perspective to derive lessons learned and make recommendations about how we should approach the future of XR development and application. Dr. Furness will present a manifesto containing 14 principles for all who participate in the XR community to embrace for creating a technology that truly lifts humanity. He will also outline new initiatives of the Virtual World Society to enrich the XR community of developers.


Founder & Chairman , Virtual World Society
May 28

09:00 AM - 09:20 AM


Virtual reality has often been called the "empathy machine." Research continues to increasingly illuminate the power of immersive experience as a tool for changing attitudes and behavior. This presentation will address the ethical responsibility that should accompany this power.


Dir., Oregon Reality (OR) Lab , Univ. of Oregon
May 28

09:00 AM - 09:20 AM


Virtual reality has often been called the "empathy machine." Research continues to increasingly illuminate the power of immersive experience as a tool for changing attitudes and behavior. This presentation will address the ethical responsibility that should accompany this power.


Dir., Oregon Reality (OR) Lab , Univ. of Oregon
May 28

09:20 AM - 09:40 AM


Come learn more about HP’s vision for the future with exciting announcements and special guests from Microsoft. Join us for this special conversation.


Chief Metaverse Officer , Creative Artists Agency Inc
Lead Product Manager , HP Inc.
Partner , Microsoft
May 28

09:20 AM - 09:40 AM


Come learn more about HP’s vision for the future with exciting announcements and special guests from Microsoft. Join us for this special conversation.


Chief Metaverse Officer , Creative Artists Agency Inc
Lead Product Manager , HP Inc.
Partner , Microsoft
May 28

09:40 AM - 10:20 AM


The year is 2020, and this new world of successful, globally diverse females is growing faster than ever before. Meet these magnificent six women in immersive tech who are true international XR leaders, pushing boundaries across continents and sectors with creative and ethical innovation in entertainment, cybersecurity, webXR, developer platforms, cloudAR and more.


Managing Director , Open AR Cloud Europe
CIO, Executive XR/MetaTech Producer & Creative Technologist , MUKI-INTERNATIONAL, LTD
Founder & CEO , XR Safety Initiative
Business Development (Global, Part-time) , Se.Solutions
Venture Scout & Co-founder , Women in Immersive Technologies (WIIT) Europe
Global Diversity & Inclusion Advisor , XR Safety Initiative
May 28

09:40 AM - 10:20 AM


The year is 2020, and this new world of successful, globally diverse females is growing faster than ever before. Meet these magnificent six women in immersive tech who are true international XR leaders, pushing boundaries across continents and sectors with creative and ethical innovation in entertainment, cybersecurity, webXR, developer platforms, cloudAR and more.


Managing Director , Open AR Cloud Europe
CIO, Executive XR/MetaTech Producer & Creative Technologist , MUKI-INTERNATIONAL, LTD
Founder & CEO , XR Safety Initiative
Business Development (Global, Part-time) , Se.Solutions
Venture Scout & Co-founder , Women in Immersive Technologies (WIIT) Europe
Global Diversity & Inclusion Advisor , XR Safety Initiative
May 28

10:20 AM - 10:30 AM

May 28

10:20 AM - 10:30 AM

May 28

10:30 AM - 11:10 AM


XR is currently on the cusp of integrating into a number of industries by providing support, innovation and efficiency for a multitude of sectors. While this emerging technology is revolutionizing how we train our workforce safely, expose users to potentially dangerous scenarios in a systematic fashion and teach essential skills like compassion and empathy, we still have a long way to go when it comes to discussing XR and its many boons and benefits. The panel will address disseminating the varying modalities within XR, discuss the number of painpoints XR addresses, and discuss this technology within a multicultural context of innovation, inclusivity and accessibility.


Product Manager , Meta
Co-Founder and Behavior Analyst , BehaviorMe
Founder & CEO , MindGlow, Inc
May 28

10:30 AM - 11:10 AM


XR is currently on the cusp of integrating into a number of industries by providing support, innovation and efficiency for a multitude of sectors. While this emerging technology is revolutionizing how we train our workforce safely, expose users to potentially dangerous scenarios in a systematic fashion and teach essential skills like compassion and empathy, we still have a long way to go when it comes to discussing XR and its many boons and benefits. The panel will address disseminating the varying modalities within XR, discuss the number of painpoints XR addresses, and discuss this technology within a multicultural context of innovation, inclusivity and accessibility.


Product Manager , Meta
Co-Founder and Behavior Analyst , BehaviorMe
Founder & CEO , MindGlow, Inc
May 28

11:10 AM - 11:30 AM


In this session, we will release the latest data on the Chinese spatial computing market, and provide an overview of the current market landscape. CEOs of leading companies in the region will share their opinions on the latest trends, biggest challenges, and excitement to come. A taste of AWE Asia 2020!


President , AWE Asia, Sunrise International
CEO , Shadow Creator
May 28

11:10 AM - 11:30 AM


In this session, we will release the latest data on the Chinese spatial computing market, and provide an overview of the current market landscape. CEOs of leading companies in the region will share their opinions on the latest trends, biggest challenges, and excitement to come. A taste of AWE Asia 2020!


President , AWE Asia, Sunrise International
CEO , Shadow Creator