Sarah Hashkes
CEO MEU By Radix Motion

Sarah combines knowledge from her cognitive neuroscience research (MSc) with an extensive background in movement and martial arts (certified martial arts and self-defense instructor) to utilize immersive technology to hack the brain-body link. She has consulted and developed XR experiences for many companies (Facebook, Learn, Karuna Labs, Debias VR, Mindglow and more) and is currently CEO of Radix Motion creating MEU. MEU is the first AR to VR cross platform social experience that is based on 3D human movement data channels. Meu lets users send and receive 3D movements and play asynchronous movement based games or create their own embodied emojis and share them as gifs anywhere.

Sarah is trying to disrupt the way we interface with technology using an embodied cognition approach that focused on users well being and ability to foster a deeper connection that can only be reached through physical interactions.


May 28

04:00 PM - 05:00 PM

VR Side Events
Side events in VR

Meu 3D-Enhanced Dance-Off

Sarah Hashkes | MEU By Radix Motion

May 28

04:00 PM - 05:00 PM

VR Side Events
Side events in VR

Meu 3D-Enhanced Dance-Off

Sarah Hashkes | MEU By Radix Motion

May 29

10:50 AM - 11:10 AM

Livestream 2
May 29

10:50 AM - 11:10 AM

Livestream 2