Alfredo Salazar-Caro is creator living/working between Mexico City, NYC, and Online. His works is an amalgamation of portraiture, installation/sculpture, documentary, video and VR/AR. Salazar-Caro is co-creator and creative director of DiMoDA, The Digital Museum of Digital Art. DiMoDA is a groundbreaking project that functions as a VR institution and exhibition platform dedicated to the development of XR Art.His work has been exhibited internationally. Exhibitions include : Tribeca Film Festival, Dreamlands at the Whitney Museum, The Wrong Biennale in São Paulo, Brazil, New Normal Beirut/Istanbul, Die Ungerahmte Welt, HeK, Basel Switzerland, Siggraph Asia, Bangkok, Thailand and 1Mes1Artista Mexico City among others. His work can be seen in publications such as Leonardo, Cultured Magazine, Vice Magazine and Creators Project.
12:30 PM - 05:00 PM
Jesse Damiani | Southern New Hampshire University
Vladimir Ilic | VRHuman
Nancy Baker Cahill | 4th Wall AR App
Myriam Achard | PHI
Alfredo Salazar-Caro | Digital Museum of Digital Art
Giorgio Vitale | Synthesis Gallery
12:30 PM - 05:00 PM
Jesse Damiani | Southern New Hampshire University
Vladimir Ilic | VRHuman
Nancy Baker Cahill | 4th Wall AR App
Myriam Achard | PHI
Alfredo Salazar-Caro | Digital Museum of Digital Art
Giorgio Vitale | Synthesis Gallery