Amy Peck
Founder Endeavor VR

Amy Peck is a business development and strategy executive with years of experience working with startups. Amy holds several Advisory Board roles, chairs the VRARA Enterprise Committee, is a member of IEEE ICICLE XR SIG and is a venture partner at the Capital Region XR Accelerator. She is an active mentor to women in tech and participates in many technology and leadership forums for both startups and established industry players. Amy's passion for virtual reality began at Leap Motion where she ran the enterprise division working with education, healthcare, retail, hospitality, entertainment and government clients. She worked closely with the Leap Motion developer community to pair talented development teams with these commercial clients. It became clear that there was a need to help foster Augmented & Virtual Reality development in the commercial arena. Amy works tirelessly with her developers and enterprise clients and is an avid AR/VR evangelist. She speaks at schools and universities on the topic and mentors students and young developers helping to realize their ambitions. Her own personal mission is to see AR/VR fundamentally improve every aspect of our lives. From games, entertainment, social and immersive experiences to medical, industrial and educational solutions, Amy believes in this technology and the positive impact it will make. This is the impetus for her regular hashtag on Twitter: #ARVRForAll with the goal of making this technology accessible and transformative for everyone. 


Oct 28

12:39 PM - 01:09 PM

XR Virtual Collaboration Workshop

Christina Kinne | XaosPrincess

Maya Komadina | Virbela

Jason Marsh | Flow Immersive

Philip Rosedale | Linden Lab

Brianna Scully | Spatial

Anne McKinnon | Ristband

Nanette Martinez | Qualcomm

Michael DiBenigno | Flow Immersive

Charlie Fink | Forbes

Nathan C Bowser | Streem

Chris Madsen | Immersive VR Education

Devon Copley | Avatour

Amy Peck | Endeavor VR

Gabe Baker | Virbela

Michael Potts | M2 Studio

Oct 28

12:39 PM - 01:09 PM

XR Virtual Collaboration Workshop

Christina Kinne | XaosPrincess

Maya Komadina | Virbela

Jason Marsh | Flow Immersive

Philip Rosedale | Linden Lab

Brianna Scully | Spatial

Anne McKinnon | Ristband

Nanette Martinez | Qualcomm

Michael DiBenigno | Flow Immersive

Charlie Fink | Forbes

Nathan C Bowser | Streem

Chris Madsen | Immersive VR Education

Devon Copley | Avatour

Amy Peck | Endeavor VR

Gabe Baker | Virbela

Michael Potts | M2 Studio