
Unlocking Spatial Storytelling with No-code Tools

Oct 24

17:05 - 17:30


This talk delves into the immersive world of Augmented Reality (AR) content creation and its profound impact on spatial storytelling across diverse industries. We will discuss the untapped potential of AR experiences and discuss using intuitive tools and generative AI to craft captivating AR experiences.

The talk begins with exploring why spatial storytelling matters and how it revolutionises how we engage with the world around us. Attendees will gain insights into the unique power of AR to seamlessly blend digital elements into the real world, creating interactive and emotionally resonant narratives that transcend traditional media formats.

We will delve into the practical aspects of AR content creation. Attendees will learn to harness essential creative tools and user-friendly authoring tools empowering them to build immersive AR experiences with ease. The integration of generative AI tools will be showcased, demonstrating how AI-driven content creation enhances storytelling possibilities and audience engagement.

Beyond content creation, the talk will touch on the commercial side of AR. Attendees will gain valuable insights into strategies for commercialising AR content and effectively targeting specific audiences. Spatial storytelling can be leveraged to create next-generation entertainment, interactive educational experiences, and enhanced customer interactions, making it an indispensable tool for anyone seeking to stand out in a competitive market.


Founder & CEO , Imvizar
COO & Creative Director , Imvizar

Related Sessions

Oct 24

10:05 - 10:30


Extended reality (XR) is a rapidly growing industry and the next logical step in the evolution of wearable technology. However, prior to becoming truly mainstream, there are still several significant challenges that need to be addressed first. These include: a large visual field, see-through, distortion free optics and obtaining a lightweight, compact form factor to allow extended wear, just to name a few.

Virtual retinal display (VRD) technology is a promising approach to AR that could help overcome these and several other fundamental challenges (such as the Vergence-Accommodation conflict). VRDs create images directly on the retina, which allows for a much more compact and lightweight device. To achieve an optimal VRD user experience, one must account for eye movements to constantly keep the projected image in the center of vision. This can be achieved by combining VRD with precise retinal (blood vessels) eye-tracking (RET) to provide a more immersive and natural AR experience.

In this talk, we will discuss the potential of VRD and RET to break the barriers of AR. We’ll start by identifying the challenges that the AR industry is currently facing, and then explain how VRD coupled with RET can help to address these challenges. We will also mention some of the unique, potential applications of VRD with RET in AR. We believe that VRD with RET have the potential to revolutionize the AR industry. By overcoming the challenges of size, comfort, and several others, VRD and RET could make AR wearables that are truly convenient and practical for all day use. This would open up a whole new world of possibilities for AR, and it could help make AR a part of our everyday lives.


R&D Physicist , EyeJets
Oct 24

10:05 - 10:30


Extended reality (XR) is a rapidly growing industry and the next logical step in the evolution of wearable technology. However, prior to becoming truly mainstream, there are still several significant challenges that need to be addressed first. These include: a large visual field, see-through, distortion free optics and obtaining a lightweight, compact form factor to allow extended wear, just to name a few.

Virtual retinal display (VRD) technology is a promising approach to AR that could help overcome these and several other fundamental challenges (such as the Vergence-Accommodation conflict). VRDs create images directly on the retina, which allows for a much more compact and lightweight device. To achieve an optimal VRD user experience, one must account for eye movements to constantly keep the projected image in the center of vision. This can be achieved by combining VRD with precise retinal (blood vessels) eye-tracking (RET) to provide a more immersive and natural AR experience.

In this talk, we will discuss the potential of VRD and RET to break the barriers of AR. We’ll start by identifying the challenges that the AR industry is currently facing, and then explain how VRD coupled with RET can help to address these challenges. We will also mention some of the unique, potential applications of VRD with RET in AR. We believe that VRD with RET have the potential to revolutionize the AR industry. By overcoming the challenges of size, comfort, and several others, VRD and RET could make AR wearables that are truly convenient and practical for all day use. This would open up a whole new world of possibilities for AR, and it could help make AR a part of our everyday lives.


R&D Physicist , EyeJets
Oct 24

11:05 - 11:30


Dispelix develops and delivers lightweight, high-performance see-through waveguide combiners that are used as transparent displays in extended reality (XR) devices. Our full-color near-eye displays encompass all dimensions of XR comfort - social, wearable, and visual alike – in a simple eyeglass-lens form. Rich and pleasant XR experience calls for seamless merger of display and light engine technologies. In her presentation, Dispelix Vice President Pia Harju discusses how advanced design contributes to XR comfort and same time helps draw full potential from the light engine and display. We will showcase how built-in mechanical and optical compatibility fuse esthetic and functional aspects of design, paving the way for mind-altering XR eyewear experience.


VP of Business Development , Dispelix
Oct 24

11:05 - 11:30


Dispelix develops and delivers lightweight, high-performance see-through waveguide combiners that are used as transparent displays in extended reality (XR) devices. Our full-color near-eye displays encompass all dimensions of XR comfort - social, wearable, and visual alike – in a simple eyeglass-lens form. Rich and pleasant XR experience calls for seamless merger of display and light engine technologies. In her presentation, Dispelix Vice President Pia Harju discusses how advanced design contributes to XR comfort and same time helps draw full potential from the light engine and display. We will showcase how built-in mechanical and optical compatibility fuse esthetic and functional aspects of design, paving the way for mind-altering XR eyewear experience.


VP of Business Development , Dispelix
Oct 24

12:30 - 12:55


Join Yacine Achiakh, Founder of Wisear, as he delves into the crucial role of neural interfaces in driving the widespread adoption of augmented reality (AR) and demo their benefit live on stage. In this captivating keynote, Yacine will explore the evolution of human-computer interfaces, from keyboards and mice to touchscreens, and highlight the need for a new generation of interfaces to propel AR into the mainstream. Discover how current controllers fall short in delivering seamless and immersive interactions, and why alternatives like voice and hand tracking have their limitations.

Yacine will unveil the game-changing potential of neural interfaces, which enable touchless and voiceless control through facial muscular, eye, and brain activity. Witness live how Wisear is at the forefront of building neural-interface powered products that revolutionize the way we interact with AR and VR devices, paving the road for ubiquitous adoption in consumer and enterprise applications. Don't miss this enlightening presentation that will shape the future of human-computer interactions in XR.


CEO , Wisear