John is an Engineering Manager at Trigger where he manages Trigger's software engineers. In his 5 years at Trigger he has worked on a range of projects from enterprise XR solutions to an AR graphic novel for the Black Eyed Peas. He was instrumental in launching some of the first 6DOF WebAR experiences, including Sony's Into the Spider-Verse experience. Since then, he has worked on WebAR projects for clients such as LEGO, TIME, and Morgan Stanely.
11:50 AM - 12:30 PM
Jason Yim | Trigger Global
Martin Urrutia | Lego
Rob Czechowicz | Sony Pictures
John Salter | Trigger Global
Jennifer DeFalco | 8th Wall
11:50 AM - 12:30 PM
Jason Yim | Trigger Global
Martin Urrutia | Lego
Rob Czechowicz | Sony Pictures
John Salter | Trigger Global
Jennifer DeFalco | 8th Wall