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Nov 9

10:00 AM - 10:25 AM


It is inevitable that augmented reality will change the way we explore and interact with our world and although the field will continue to evolve, now is the time to get in, explore, and shape how you want to see it. Storytellers are defining what AR looks like today, and forging what the future will look like.


Adobe Aero Community Manager , Adobe
Nov 9

10:00 AM - 10:25 AM


It is inevitable that augmented reality will change the way we explore and interact with our world and although the field will continue to evolve, now is the time to get in, explore, and shape how you want to see it. Storytellers are defining what AR looks like today, and forging what the future will look like.


Adobe Aero Community Manager , Adobe
Nov 9

10:30 AM - 10:55 AM


The "old web" of information, centered on 2D static content with HTML/CSS as the dominant paradigm, is based on web technologies that are decades old now, and is poorly equipped to serve the needs of AR/VR and spatial computing. Currently, a number of exciting new open source initiatives are coming together to create a new open spatial paradigm for the web, with grammars of interaction suitable for blending the virtual with the real and supporting AI and ML safely and wisely, to create a web of perception and shared context. This talk will look at the philosophy, technologies, innovations and innovators, working on this critical mission for spatial computing.


Co-Founder , AWE
Nov 9

10:30 AM - 10:55 AM


The "old web" of information, centered on 2D static content with HTML/CSS as the dominant paradigm, is based on web technologies that are decades old now, and is poorly equipped to serve the needs of AR/VR and spatial computing. Currently, a number of exciting new open source initiatives are coming together to create a new open spatial paradigm for the web, with grammars of interaction suitable for blending the virtual with the real and supporting AI and ML safely and wisely, to create a web of perception and shared context. This talk will look at the philosophy, technologies, innovations and innovators, working on this critical mission for spatial computing.


Co-Founder , AWE
Nov 9

11:20 AM - 12:15 PM


As we know, there has been a lot of recent chatter, while many may even call it “hype”, over the concept of the ‘Metaverse’.

As with most emerging technologies, the biggest challenge is navigating through all this hype, filtering through the rogue companies and individuals that may seek to exploit others in the early stages, and identifying viable business models that could appropriately be built upon these technologies and become sustainable.

Join us as we curated a group of technologists and entrepreneurs who have discovered early success with investors, earnings, and both community and public support in their companies that will hopefully serve as foundational models that will further contribute to the advancement of the Metaverse.


Founder/CEO , EndeavorXR
CEO , OneTwenty1
Co-Vice Chair, New Media Council , Producers Guild of America
CEO & Co-Founder , NFT Oasis
Nov 9

11:20 AM - 12:15 PM


As we know, there has been a lot of recent chatter, while many may even call it “hype”, over the concept of the ‘Metaverse’.

As with most emerging technologies, the biggest challenge is navigating through all this hype, filtering through the rogue companies and individuals that may seek to exploit others in the early stages, and identifying viable business models that could appropriately be built upon these technologies and become sustainable.

Join us as we curated a group of technologists and entrepreneurs who have discovered early success with investors, earnings, and both community and public support in their companies that will hopefully serve as foundational models that will further contribute to the advancement of the Metaverse.


Founder/CEO , EndeavorXR
CEO , OneTwenty1
Co-Vice Chair, New Media Council , Producers Guild of America
CEO & Co-Founder , NFT Oasis
Nov 9

01:45 PM - 02:10 PM


In this talk the founders of AR House Lucas Rizzotto & Aidan Wolf talk about how they started the largest AR Creator House in the world with a tweet, how it almost all went to hell and why these kinds of communities may be the strongest weapon we have against the rise of an AR dystopia.


Creator , Lucas Builds the Future
Co-Founder , Kevaid
Nov 9

01:45 PM - 02:10 PM


In this talk the founders of AR House Lucas Rizzotto & Aidan Wolf talk about how they started the largest AR Creator House in the world with a tweet, how it almost all went to hell and why these kinds of communities may be the strongest weapon we have against the rise of an AR dystopia.


Creator , Lucas Builds the Future
Co-Founder , Kevaid
Nov 9

02:15 PM - 02:40 PM


Learn how MRTK Figma Toolkit can help your UX design process for Mixed Reality. With MRTK Figma Toolkit, you can use 2D versions of the HoloLens 2 style UI components for creating UI layouts and storyboards. Figma Toolkit's Unity plugin can import the Figma file and recreate corresponding MRTK components in Unity. This will save a lot of time and effort for designer-developer collaboration.


Principal UX Designer - Hololens , Microsoft
Nov 9

02:15 PM - 02:40 PM


Learn how MRTK Figma Toolkit can help your UX design process for Mixed Reality. With MRTK Figma Toolkit, you can use 2D versions of the HoloLens 2 style UI components for creating UI layouts and storyboards. Figma Toolkit's Unity plugin can import the Figma file and recreate corresponding MRTK components in Unity. This will save a lot of time and effort for designer-developer collaboration.


Principal UX Designer - Hololens , Microsoft
Nov 9

02:45 PM - 03:10 PM


Music has always been enhanced by the visual arts, from album covers to music videos to laser light shows. In the last few years, artists have begun leaning into AR as the next frontier for such experiences, but never at scale, and never holistically across the broad spectrum of listening experiences, be it at home by yourself, out on a walk, hanging with friends, or attending a live concert or festival. Thanks to the unique capabilities of Niantic's new Lightship ARDK, with additional support and partnership from Unity and Warner Music, the two-time Auggie award winning AR studio, will be showcasing their newest project (it's a secret, we can't tell you yet!), presenting a new paradigm for audio-visual experiences at the convergence of music, AR, NFTs, and participative art creation.


Director - New Business & Ventures , Warner Music Group
Creative Director , Heavy
Head of Studio , Heavy
Nov 9

02:45 PM - 03:10 PM


Music has always been enhanced by the visual arts, from album covers to music videos to laser light shows. In the last few years, artists have begun leaning into AR as the next frontier for such experiences, but never at scale, and never holistically across the broad spectrum of listening experiences, be it at home by yourself, out on a walk, hanging with friends, or attending a live concert or festival. Thanks to the unique capabilities of Niantic's new Lightship ARDK, with additional support and partnership from Unity and Warner Music, the two-time Auggie award winning AR studio, will be showcasing their newest project (it's a secret, we can't tell you yet!), presenting a new paradigm for audio-visual experiences at the convergence of music, AR, NFTs, and participative art creation.


Director - New Business & Ventures , Warner Music Group
Creative Director , Heavy
Head of Studio , Heavy
Nov 9

03:15 PM - 03:40 PM


Invisible and odorless as the metaverse itself learn the 5 secret interaction ingredients increase engagement, presence, productivity
as well as reduce nausea, churn, and broken dreams. Journey to Wonderland’s kitchen and learn how to leverage next-gen XR UX techniques. Expand your XR UX design vocabulary to take advantage of improvements made possible by higher resolution hand tracking, haptics, photogrammetry, machine learning, and higher resolution visual displays. This talk covers XR UX advances made since Lazzaro’s popular AWE 2019 UX Standards talk. Improve you kPIs. Come see what’s cooking.


President , Xeodesign Inc
Nov 9

03:15 PM - 03:40 PM


Invisible and odorless as the metaverse itself learn the 5 secret interaction ingredients increase engagement, presence, productivity
as well as reduce nausea, churn, and broken dreams. Journey to Wonderland’s kitchen and learn how to leverage next-gen XR UX techniques. Expand your XR UX design vocabulary to take advantage of improvements made possible by higher resolution hand tracking, haptics, photogrammetry, machine learning, and higher resolution visual displays. This talk covers XR UX advances made since Lazzaro’s popular AWE 2019 UX Standards talk. Improve you kPIs. Come see what’s cooking.


President , Xeodesign Inc
Nov 9

04:05 PM - 04:30 PM


Fitness is one of the biggest trends in XR, and even big corporates like Facebook are getting interested in it. This talk, which comes from the developers of the fitness game HitMotion:Reloaded, shows you how to enter this field by designing an immersive fitness game that can be fun and provide at the same time an effective training. It will detail the choices that you have to take while designing such a game both in AR and VR, and what are the future perspectives of the technology.


Blogger , VRrOOm
Nov 9

04:05 PM - 04:30 PM


Fitness is one of the biggest trends in XR, and even big corporates like Facebook are getting interested in it. This talk, which comes from the developers of the fitness game HitMotion:Reloaded, shows you how to enter this field by designing an immersive fitness game that can be fun and provide at the same time an effective training. It will detail the choices that you have to take while designing such a game both in AR and VR, and what are the future perspectives of the technology.


Blogger , VRrOOm
Nov 9

04:35 PM - 05:30 PM


In the midst of the Black Lives Matter protests around social injustice, Breonna Taylors' sister, Ju'Niyah, was grieving the loss of a loved one. This was complicated by the fact that she was receiving a barrage of death threats from racist counter protesters. In the midst of this upheaval, Breaonna's Garden was created as an augmented reality sanctuary and safe space for Ju'Niyah. A few months later, on the other side of the US, Portland Oregon became the epicenter of mass demonstrations to protest George Floyd's murder. A young, augmented reality creator, Steven Christian, used AR as a way to empower Black communities to express themselves through creativity, art, and technology. This panel will explore how virtual settings and creative technology can be tools for social justice and a means to cope with the realities of America's under-reported and ever-present caste system. Head of Unity's Social Impact group will interview two diverse creators on the ethos behind each project and how other underrepresented storytellers can utilize emerging tech to share their own experiences.


Medical Student/XR Creator , Iltopia Studios
Founder , Black Terminus AR
Founder & Chief Curator , YESUNIVERSE
VP of Social Impact , Unity
Nov 9

04:35 PM - 05:30 PM


In the midst of the Black Lives Matter protests around social injustice, Breonna Taylors' sister, Ju'Niyah, was grieving the loss of a loved one. This was complicated by the fact that she was receiving a barrage of death threats from racist counter protesters. In the midst of this upheaval, Breaonna's Garden was created as an augmented reality sanctuary and safe space for Ju'Niyah. A few months later, on the other side of the US, Portland Oregon became the epicenter of mass demonstrations to protest George Floyd's murder. A young, augmented reality creator, Steven Christian, used AR as a way to empower Black communities to express themselves through creativity, art, and technology. This panel will explore how virtual settings and creative technology can be tools for social justice and a means to cope with the realities of America's under-reported and ever-present caste system. Head of Unity's Social Impact group will interview two diverse creators on the ethos behind each project and how other underrepresented storytellers can utilize emerging tech to share their own experiences.


Medical Student/XR Creator , Iltopia Studios
Founder , Black Terminus AR
Founder & Chief Curator , YESUNIVERSE
VP of Social Impact , Unity
Nov 9

05:35 PM - 06:00 PM


Hart will discuss the process of bringing an idea from his head into augmented reality, often embracing unconventional humor and special FX in the process.


CEO , 2020CV, Inc.
Nov 9

05:35 PM - 06:00 PM


Hart will discuss the process of bringing an idea from his head into augmented reality, often embracing unconventional humor and special FX in the process.


CEO , 2020CV, Inc.