About AWE



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Where XR business Thrives

Since 2010 over 5,000 companies and 60,000 professionals have trusted AWE to learn, connect and grow their business in the XR ecosystem.

Join this inspiring community of XR professionals that brings together:
  • End-users and solution providers,

  • Investors and startups,

  • Creators, developers and brands,

  • Job seekers and recruiters.


What is AWE?

The AWE community now operates online and offline around the world, 365 days a year to offer:

The HQ for everything Spatial Computing, including: Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Mixed Reality (MR), collectively referred to as Extended Reality (XR); as well as enabling technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), bio-interfaces, haptics, 5G, streaming and more.

Every minute engaged in AWE contributes to the acceleration of the XR industry, ultimately driving us closer to the goal declared by AWE's cofounder:

"If we are able to harness the power of XR and AI to help fight some of the greatest challenges facing humanity, then by 2030 Spatial Computing will be a trillion dollar industry. The XR community is therefore faced with a moral responsibility to further human progress through technology, and with that comes a huge economic opportunity.”

Ori Inbar, AWE cofounder

Our mission

Our mission is to help the XR community advance Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality technology in order to further human progress. With the industry successfully reaching the milestone of 1 billion active users of AR in 2020, over the next decade AWE aims to guide the industry’s attention towards our own core objectives of enabling people across the globe to learn, connect and grow within the XR industry.

The AWE community is committed to pursuing the goal of building a 1 trillion dollar XR industry by 2030, while ensuring the outcome is a world worth living in.

Our values

  • Passion for XR

  • Collaboration and respect to everyone in the community

  • Openness, diversity and inclusion

  • Security, safety and privacy

  • Making a difference in the world

  • Combat global warming by making carbon-neutral events and supporting XR solutions that fight climate change

Brief History of AWE

AWE was first organized in 2010 by augmentereality.org and the primary mission was to accelerate the adoption of augmented reality by bringing together the industry: developers, creators, founders, product leads, C-level executives, enthusiasts, media and analysts.

The first AWE event started with only 300 attendees and a handful of exhibitors. Today, AWE events have grown to thousands of attendees from around the world, hundreds of sponsors and exhibitors and an extensive network of professionals in Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and other immersive technologies.

In 2015 the first AWE ASIA event was organized, in 2016 the first AWE Europe event was held in Germany, and AWE Tel Aviv followed in 2018. AWE also introduced its long running ‘AWE Nite’ series and chapters have since been created in 8 countries and 19 cities around the world.

AWE’s annual Auggie Awards continue to be the most recognized AR & VR industry awards in the world since they began in 2010, and today continue to showcase the best solutions and innovations in Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality.
Over the past decade, AWE has become the most valuable AR/VR global community, always striving to help its members learn and connect, whilst facilitating new business opportunities.

The AWE Council

The AWE Advisory Council comprises industry luminaries, thought leaders and influencers who share AWE’s aspiration of seeing XR enter the mainstream and become an essential part of our lives and work. AWE harnesses the Council’s depth and expertise in XR to curate the most important and influential people, products and ideas shaping the Spatial Computing industry and form a strong, inclusive and positive force for the future of humanity. Learn more about the council.

What we do

Upcoming events

Past events