Emily Olman
CEO Hopscotch Interactive

Hopscotch Interactive CEO & Chief Photographer Emily Olman is a real estate marketer, 3D/VR photographer, and VR/AR evangelist. She was the VR/AR Association SF Chapter Co-President from 2016-2019, advocating and evangelizing VR/AR acceleration and also co-hosted AWE Nite SF from 2019-2020. As a consultant, she educates her clients on the current state of technology, and its current business applications from traditional property marketing to mixed-reality services. Emily holds an M.B.A. from BerkeleyHaas and a B.A. in German Studies from Scripps College, Claremont. She is the AUREA Ambassador and Community Chair for the AUREA Award Community, a global XR community for location-based entertainment and XR in the entertainment industry. She launched Hopscotch Interactive in 2015 to accelerate the adoption of new media and technology for property marketing. She is both an AUGGIE Award Winner and recipient of the Nextant Medallion from the Virtual Worlds Society. 


Nov 11

11:20 AM - 12:15 PM

Grand Ballroom G
Media, Sports & Leisure

Does Medium Matter? Storytelling in XR vs. IRL

Amy Jupiter | ByJove: A Collective of Perspective TM

Emily Olman | Hopscotch Interactive

Eve Weston | Exelauno

Kathleen Cohen | The Collaboratorium

Nov 11

11:20 AM - 12:15 PM

Grand Ballroom G
Media, Sports & Leisure

Does Medium Matter? Storytelling in XR vs. IRL

Amy Jupiter | ByJove: A Collective of Perspective TM

Emily Olman | Hopscotch Interactive

Eve Weston | Exelauno

Kathleen Cohen | The Collaboratorium