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Oct 20

09:00 - 09:25


Ori Inbar, CEO and Co-Founder of AWE, will welcome attendees to the 13th annual AWE EU 2022 event with a fresh premise: XR makes dreams a reality!

He will kick off with how XR helped achieve his own personal dreams and proceed with covering how XR has been helping businesses deliver on their goals, people realize lifelong ambitions, and most crucially - fight the biggest threats facing humanity in the next decade.

Since 2010, AWE has been showcasing how XR can make dreams come true and AWE EU will continue with that tradition and help aspiring XR professionals fulfill more of their dreams while making a positive impact around the world with AR, VR and the Metaverse.


Co-Founder , AWE and Super Ventures
Oct 20

09:00 - 09:25


Ori Inbar, CEO and Co-Founder of AWE, will welcome attendees to the 13th annual AWE EU 2022 event with a fresh premise: XR makes dreams a reality!

He will kick off with how XR helped achieve his own personal dreams and proceed with covering how XR has been helping businesses deliver on their goals, people realize lifelong ambitions, and most crucially - fight the biggest threats facing humanity in the next decade.

Since 2010, AWE has been showcasing how XR can make dreams come true and AWE EU will continue with that tradition and help aspiring XR professionals fulfill more of their dreams while making a positive impact around the world with AR, VR and the Metaverse.


Co-Founder , AWE and Super Ventures
Oct 20

09:30 - 09:55


Join Oliver Wohler, Head of PICO Enterprise EMEA, and Alize Amrani, Enterprise Marketing Manager EMEA as they introduce PICO's newest offering for global businesses.


Enterprise Marketing Lead, EMEA , PICO
Enterprise Lead , PICO
Oct 20

09:30 - 09:55


Join Oliver Wohler, Head of PICO Enterprise EMEA, and Alize Amrani, Enterprise Marketing Manager EMEA as they introduce PICO's newest offering for global businesses.


Enterprise Marketing Lead, EMEA , PICO
Enterprise Lead , PICO
Oct 20

10:00 - 10:25


Everyone will wear AR glasses on their faces by 2030. Just centimeters from our optic nerve, computers have never been closer to our brains. This changes both content creation and consumption.

These immersive technologies could create a more empathetic, educated and empowering future. But they could also promote inequality and fake news.

Yusuf Omar, Co-CEO of SEEN, has been wearing cameras on his face for over a decade. His team has overlaid journalism stories on cities from Boston to Cape Town. Everyone loves a good story, especially if they can be a part of that story. And that’s what immersive storytelling does. On your face.


Co-founder , SEEN
Oct 20

10:00 - 10:25


Everyone will wear AR glasses on their faces by 2030. Just centimeters from our optic nerve, computers have never been closer to our brains. This changes both content creation and consumption.

These immersive technologies could create a more empathetic, educated and empowering future. But they could also promote inequality and fake news.

Yusuf Omar, Co-CEO of SEEN, has been wearing cameras on his face for over a decade. His team has overlaid journalism stories on cities from Boston to Cape Town. Everyone loves a good story, especially if they can be a part of that story. And that’s what immersive storytelling does. On your face.


Co-founder , SEEN
Oct 20

10:30 - 10:55


The Metaverse, the final frontier.

These are the voyages of many creators on a mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before.


Fusionist , The Fusionists
Oct 20

10:30 - 10:55


The Metaverse, the final frontier.

These are the voyages of many creators on a mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before.


Fusionist , The Fusionists
Oct 20

12:30 - 13:20


Join this expert panel as they discuss:
- Access to immersive experiences
- Technology evolution & use cases of new technology integration within immersive experiences
- Impact of web3 & tokenomics on immersive experiences
- Prospects of immersive experiences


Curator & Executive Producer , Venice International Film Festival
Head of Web 3.0 Business Development , Orange
Founder & Builder , Metaverse Summit
Co-Founder & COO , VR Future
Oct 20

12:30 - 13:20


Join this expert panel as they discuss:
- Access to immersive experiences
- Technology evolution & use cases of new technology integration within immersive experiences
- Impact of web3 & tokenomics on immersive experiences
- Prospects of immersive experiences


Curator & Executive Producer , Venice International Film Festival
Head of Web 3.0 Business Development , Orange
Founder & Builder , Metaverse Summit
Co-Founder & COO , VR Future
Oct 20

13:25 - 13:50


META’s ARfusion™ combines precision cast lens fabrication tools and functional metasurfaces, to provide AR wearable developers with a platform for seamlessly integrating these nanostructures into thin lightweight prescription glasses. These embedded technologies can include waveguides, microdisplays, holographic filters, liquid crystal/electrochromic foils, antifogging and eyeglow suppression films, antennas, and eye trackers. Each platform employs a massively parallel patterning scheme, designed to be scalable to large areas of either rigid substrate materials and rolls of flexible films. The ARfusion™ platform enables scalable and versatile fabrication processes for manufacturing AR glasses of any size and shape in large volumes, providing a significant cost advantage over current methods.


CTO , META® Materials
Oct 20

13:25 - 13:50


META’s ARfusion™ combines precision cast lens fabrication tools and functional metasurfaces, to provide AR wearable developers with a platform for seamlessly integrating these nanostructures into thin lightweight prescription glasses. These embedded technologies can include waveguides, microdisplays, holographic filters, liquid crystal/electrochromic foils, antifogging and eyeglow suppression films, antennas, and eye trackers. Each platform employs a massively parallel patterning scheme, designed to be scalable to large areas of either rigid substrate materials and rolls of flexible films. The ARfusion™ platform enables scalable and versatile fabrication processes for manufacturing AR glasses of any size and shape in large volumes, providing a significant cost advantage over current methods.


CTO , META® Materials
Oct 20

13:55 - 14:20


There is an enormous buzz around the metaverse with tales of fully virtual spaces mimicking real life and extending it via games or online collaboration. Taking a closer look though, the metaverse does not seem to offer much for businesses from the industrial space. It is so far leaving out people that are already solving real-world problems across industries and processes. TeamViewer strongly believes in a continuous convergence between the physical world and technology in general. So, it is way beyond time to leap into the “industrial metaverse” and redefine frontline work in the 21st century – with the help of AR solutions and the power of AI.


Vice President AR/MR , TeamViewer
Oct 20

13:55 - 14:20


There is an enormous buzz around the metaverse with tales of fully virtual spaces mimicking real life and extending it via games or online collaboration. Taking a closer look though, the metaverse does not seem to offer much for businesses from the industrial space. It is so far leaving out people that are already solving real-world problems across industries and processes. TeamViewer strongly believes in a continuous convergence between the physical world and technology in general. So, it is way beyond time to leap into the “industrial metaverse” and redefine frontline work in the 21st century – with the help of AR solutions and the power of AI.


Vice President AR/MR , TeamViewer
Oct 20

14:25 - 14:50


The Metaverse is only a small subset of the overall digital realm and all the hype is clouding the real opportunity to rethink how we do everything. We have incredible technology at our fingertips, but we are just scratching the surface of its capabilities.

By changing the way we think about innovation, and leading with a proactive mindset, we can simulate entirely new constructs for products, services and business processes. Beyond that, we can think of individual technologies as ingredients in our overall recipe for change.

This change is coming either way. We can either sit back and watch it all unfold or we can become the driving force behind it. Which side do you prefer to be on?

Oct 20

14:25 - 14:50


The Metaverse is only a small subset of the overall digital realm and all the hype is clouding the real opportunity to rethink how we do everything. We have incredible technology at our fingertips, but we are just scratching the surface of its capabilities.

By changing the way we think about innovation, and leading with a proactive mindset, we can simulate entirely new constructs for products, services and business processes. Beyond that, we can think of individual technologies as ingredients in our overall recipe for change.

This change is coming either way. We can either sit back and watch it all unfold or we can become the driving force behind it. Which side do you prefer to be on?

Oct 20

16:05 - 16:55


Virtual fashion has created new ways for brands, designers, and consumers to create and experience fashion. With Augmented Reality, NFT’s, and wearables in Metaverse worlds like Decentraland, Sandbox, Roblox, and Fortnite, audiences are able to experience fashion in new and immersive ways.
This panel discussion will share insights on the latest possibilities and trends within the virtual fashion industry space and how this relates to web3 and augmented reality, creating new ways for consumers to express themselves.


Head of Programming , AWE XR
Founder, Chief Executive , Global Digital Fashion Awards
Co-Founder , Ready Player Me
Product Lead , The Fabricant
Creative Technologist , Beyond
Oct 20

16:05 - 16:55


Virtual fashion has created new ways for brands, designers, and consumers to create and experience fashion. With Augmented Reality, NFT’s, and wearables in Metaverse worlds like Decentraland, Sandbox, Roblox, and Fortnite, audiences are able to experience fashion in new and immersive ways.
This panel discussion will share insights on the latest possibilities and trends within the virtual fashion industry space and how this relates to web3 and augmented reality, creating new ways for consumers to express themselves.


Head of Programming , AWE XR
Founder, Chief Executive , Global Digital Fashion Awards
Co-Founder , Ready Player Me
Product Lead , The Fabricant
Creative Technologist , Beyond
Oct 20

17:00 - 17:50


The world's largest tech companies are spending billions to create metaverse platforms based on the real world. These visual maps, nerfed out digital cities and resulting mixed reality interactions will deliver real utility and magic to our daily lives. We'll talk about who's doing what, why and how; efforts to create open realities; identify killer apps, opportunities and obstacles ahead; plus share tips, tools & tricks to build better realities. Session continues in the bar afterwards to debate finer points of if we're living in a simulation.


CEO , Augmented City
CEO , XR Masters
President , XR Guild
Chief of Secret Police , Draw & Code
Oct 20

17:00 - 17:50


The world's largest tech companies are spending billions to create metaverse platforms based on the real world. These visual maps, nerfed out digital cities and resulting mixed reality interactions will deliver real utility and magic to our daily lives. We'll talk about who's doing what, why and how; efforts to create open realities; identify killer apps, opportunities and obstacles ahead; plus share tips, tools & tricks to build better realities. Session continues in the bar afterwards to debate finer points of if we're living in a simulation.


CEO , Augmented City
CEO , XR Masters
President , XR Guild
Chief of Secret Police , Draw & Code