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Oct 20

11:35 - 12:00


Many businesses struggle with getting users on their SDK, platform, or product. Learn how you can grow your business by appealing to average consumers and working with the XR community. Create a win-win situation for XR businesses and users.


Founder and CEO , Immersive Insiders
Oct 20

13:40 - 14:05


With the rise of 3D in eCommerce, retailers are creating their own 3D pipelines and workflows. We demonstrate that in order to reap the benefits of 3D technology on a large scale in eCommerce, it has become essential to reach alignment throughout the industry and introduce standards.

We will showcase what can be done right from the start to solve for all of the use cases that a retailer might have down the road. Our approach is to smartly streamline the 3D model creation and processing, therefore unlocking scalability. We will also include a practical example from the furniture industry, demonstrating how technology can help to reduce manual effort at different points in the process.


Director of Technology , CGTrader
Oct 20

11:05 - 11:30


What does it mean that something is "real"? In this talk, Nils Pihl of Auki Labs explores how language itself is augmented reality technology, and how the human shamanic impulse and memetics can inform us about the future of AR as a medium, and why sharable AR is the penultimate step in human communication before direct neural interfaces.

Exploring the history and intersection of language, AR and shamanic traditions through the lens of memetics and behavioral psychology, Nils explores what it means for something to be "real" and what "augmenting reality" really means in the context of human interactions.


CEO , Auki Labs
Oct 20

12:45 - 13:35


The recently funded Horizon Europe project XR4Human, comprises a consortium of researchers, developers and users to promote a Human-centered XR system. The consortium aims at developing European standards for XR that help accelerate an ethical and human-centered development process for hardware and software manufacturers, thereby benefiting technically and commercially from highly usable and inclusive systems. Privacy, safety, ethical, legal and interoperability issues are discussed with the view of bridging the gap between industry and academia as well as cross-industry collaboration, to solve the challenges of tomorrow.

Join these inspiring speakers for a discussion around responsible innovation that takes into consideration privacy, safety, ethical and legal implications and their intersection for a socially acceptable XR governance.


Senior Researcher , Karlsruhe Institut Fur Technologie
Researcher , Karlsruhe Institut Fur Technologie
Managing Director , Open AR Cloud Europe