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Nov 10

10:00 AM - 10:25 AM


META’s Ragip Pala describes NANOWEB®, Meta’s Roll to Roll lithographically fabricated transparent conductor with superior electrical and optical properties. This functional film is configured as a nanostructured conformable metal wire mesh, that is transparent to the naked eye. NANOWEB® enables smart solutions for wearable functions including electro-optical dimming, antennas, anti-fogging heaters and security filters. Andrew Mark also reviews Meta Materials core holographic materials and recordation capability used for compact efficient HUD’s. Here Meta has developed high efficiency Volume Holographic Grating (VPG) combiners using Covestro advanced photopolymers, which are incorporated into vehicle HMD’s and AR lens’s. Unlike Surface Relief Gratings, photo-sensitive holographic film materials, the building block of META’s holographic HUD products, have tremendous high volume low cost manufacturing potential, especially using Meta’s Roll to Roll replication printer, which will also be described.


CTO , META® Materials
Director of Metamaterials Research and Innovation , META®
Nov 10

10:00 AM - 10:25 AM


META’s Ragip Pala describes NANOWEB®, Meta’s Roll to Roll lithographically fabricated transparent conductor with superior electrical and optical properties. This functional film is configured as a nanostructured conformable metal wire mesh, that is transparent to the naked eye. NANOWEB® enables smart solutions for wearable functions including electro-optical dimming, antennas, anti-fogging heaters and security filters. Andrew Mark also reviews Meta Materials core holographic materials and recordation capability used for compact efficient HUD’s. Here Meta has developed high efficiency Volume Holographic Grating (VPG) combiners using Covestro advanced photopolymers, which are incorporated into vehicle HMD’s and AR lens’s. Unlike Surface Relief Gratings, photo-sensitive holographic film materials, the building block of META’s holographic HUD products, have tremendous high volume low cost manufacturing potential, especially using Meta’s Roll to Roll replication printer, which will also be described.


CTO , META® Materials
Director of Metamaterials Research and Innovation , META®
Nov 10

10:30 AM - 11:25 AM


Delivering content into ubiquitous consumer Augmented Reality headsets will require the least friction from users as possible. WebXR will make it easy for content creators to distribute AR experiences over the web that run in browsers on 2D Desktop and Touchscreens and 3D Glasses in 6DoF. This will create a competitive disruption for proprietary solutions when experiences run natively and can be built by the 12 million JavaScript developers in the world. This session will discuss navigating this paradigm shift in distribution, content development and the use cases stereoscopy adds value to. We will cover what types of AR content are better suited for websites instead of apps, including the public AR Cloud, Education and Entertainment Experiences, Retail, and Location-Based experiences.


Co-Founder & COO , MetaVRse
Co-Founder , Cause + Christi: Immersive XR Design
Sr. Dir., XR & Metaverse , Deutsche Telekom AG
Creator , The Polys - WebXR Awards
Nov 10

10:30 AM - 11:25 AM


Delivering content into ubiquitous consumer Augmented Reality headsets will require the least friction from users as possible. WebXR will make it easy for content creators to distribute AR experiences over the web that run in browsers on 2D Desktop and Touchscreens and 3D Glasses in 6DoF. This will create a competitive disruption for proprietary solutions when experiences run natively and can be built by the 12 million JavaScript developers in the world. This session will discuss navigating this paradigm shift in distribution, content development and the use cases stereoscopy adds value to. We will cover what types of AR content are better suited for websites instead of apps, including the public AR Cloud, Education and Entertainment Experiences, Retail, and Location-Based experiences.


Co-Founder & COO , MetaVRse
Co-Founder , Cause + Christi: Immersive XR Design
Sr. Dir., XR & Metaverse , Deutsche Telekom AG
Creator , The Polys - WebXR Awards
Nov 10

11:50 AM - 12:15 PM


The advent of 5G technology will usher in an era of new, immersive experiences in fields from gaming to education. Big corporations and leading Telcos such as Samsung, LG and Apple jumped on the 5G bandwagon in the fall of 2020, and other major companies are following suit as they develop 5G compatible technologies. In fact, according to the Ericsson Mobility Report (November 2020), there will be 3.3M 5G subscriptions worldwide by 2026.
At Inception, we believe 5G technology will take entertainment to the next level, enabling innovative capabilities never seen before - faster speeds, hyper-capacity, and high-quality streaming experiences. Inception’s flagship product, Bookful, is a 5G compatible educational reading app offering rich and immersive content, encouraging kids to read, and promoting productive screen time. Our 5G powered app opens up a whole new playful reading universe for children. This talk will focus on how Bookful and its partners are using 5G to offer an improved experience to consumers, thereby transforming the future of reading.


Co-Founder & Chief Marketing Officer , InceptionXR
Nov 10

11:50 AM - 12:15 PM


The advent of 5G technology will usher in an era of new, immersive experiences in fields from gaming to education. Big corporations and leading Telcos such as Samsung, LG and Apple jumped on the 5G bandwagon in the fall of 2020, and other major companies are following suit as they develop 5G compatible technologies. In fact, according to the Ericsson Mobility Report (November 2020), there will be 3.3M 5G subscriptions worldwide by 2026.
At Inception, we believe 5G technology will take entertainment to the next level, enabling innovative capabilities never seen before - faster speeds, hyper-capacity, and high-quality streaming experiences. Inception’s flagship product, Bookful, is a 5G compatible educational reading app offering rich and immersive content, encouraging kids to read, and promoting productive screen time. Our 5G powered app opens up a whole new playful reading universe for children. This talk will focus on how Bookful and its partners are using 5G to offer an improved experience to consumers, thereby transforming the future of reading.


Co-Founder & Chief Marketing Officer , InceptionXR
Nov 10

12:20 PM - 12:45 PM


AR streaming creates vast, new opportunities for immersive content to be consumed more broadly and by more devices than ever before. It gives creators almost unlimited resources. Mawari’s mission is to unlock creative capacity by enabling creators to do what they do best without delivery constraints.


Founder and CEO , Mawari
Nov 10

12:20 PM - 12:45 PM


AR streaming creates vast, new opportunities for immersive content to be consumed more broadly and by more devices than ever before. It gives creators almost unlimited resources. Mawari’s mission is to unlock creative capacity by enabling creators to do what they do best without delivery constraints.


Founder and CEO , Mawari
Nov 10

02:15 PM - 03:10 PM


This panel will explore the bounds of the metaverse with haptics, looking at measuring value, communicating benefits, difficulties of implementation and looking into the future of touch. We’ll discuss mass-market tech, niche trends, accessibility, and education. The panel will tackle real-life implementations, future-forward, and what needs to happen for mass adoption. What does the future feel like for everyone?


Marketing Manager , Manus VR
CPO & Co-Founder , SenseGlove
Strategic Partnerships , TITAN Haptics
Fellow , WXR Fund
Nov 10

02:15 PM - 03:10 PM


This panel will explore the bounds of the metaverse with haptics, looking at measuring value, communicating benefits, difficulties of implementation and looking into the future of touch. We’ll discuss mass-market tech, niche trends, accessibility, and education. The panel will tackle real-life implementations, future-forward, and what needs to happen for mass adoption. What does the future feel like for everyone?


Marketing Manager , Manus VR
CPO & Co-Founder , SenseGlove
Strategic Partnerships , TITAN Haptics
Fellow , WXR Fund
Nov 10

03:15 PM - 03:40 PM


Augmented reality will fail without a method to adapt to the user’s context. Annoying or frustrating pop-ups will lead to distraction, frustration or confusion. This talk presents the world’s first contact-free facial expression and emotion sensing glasses. Applications include content testing in real-world environments, adaptive displays, and hands-free gesture interaction. The presentation includes a live demo.


Co-founder and Chief Scientist , Emteq
Nov 10

03:15 PM - 03:40 PM


Augmented reality will fail without a method to adapt to the user’s context. Annoying or frustrating pop-ups will lead to distraction, frustration or confusion. This talk presents the world’s first contact-free facial expression and emotion sensing glasses. Applications include content testing in real-world environments, adaptive displays, and hands-free gesture interaction. The presentation includes a live demo.


Co-founder and Chief Scientist , Emteq
Nov 10

04:05 PM - 04:30 PM


Mobile augmented reality has the potential to bring to the users vibrant and immersive representations of important information at the right time and the right place within the physical world. Yet existing mobile augmented reality systems often make mistakes in identifying the objects present in the real world, thus generating incorrect virtual objects for the users. They also make mistakes in placing virtual objects within the real world, making them appear as shifting, oscillating, or jumping around. This talk outlines a vision of addressing such environmental awareness limitations by taking advantage of Internet of Things (IoT) sensors and controllers located in the vicinity of mobile augmented reality devices, along with edge computing infrastructures. Many IoT devices, such as smart lights, cameras, and displays, are already pervasive in smart homes, offices, and other environments. The talk will outline how to improve mobile augmented reality environmental awareness by using these IoT devices as sources of additional information about the real world, and as means for partially controlling the state of the world. The talk describes how this IoT support will make mobile augmented reality more reliable, paving way for its widespread applications in health-critical and safety-critical domains.


Assistant Professor , Duke University
Nov 10

04:05 PM - 04:30 PM


Mobile augmented reality has the potential to bring to the users vibrant and immersive representations of important information at the right time and the right place within the physical world. Yet existing mobile augmented reality systems often make mistakes in identifying the objects present in the real world, thus generating incorrect virtual objects for the users. They also make mistakes in placing virtual objects within the real world, making them appear as shifting, oscillating, or jumping around. This talk outlines a vision of addressing such environmental awareness limitations by taking advantage of Internet of Things (IoT) sensors and controllers located in the vicinity of mobile augmented reality devices, along with edge computing infrastructures. Many IoT devices, such as smart lights, cameras, and displays, are already pervasive in smart homes, offices, and other environments. The talk will outline how to improve mobile augmented reality environmental awareness by using these IoT devices as sources of additional information about the real world, and as means for partially controlling the state of the world. The talk describes how this IoT support will make mobile augmented reality more reliable, paving way for its widespread applications in health-critical and safety-critical domains.


Assistant Professor , Duke University
Nov 10

04:35 PM - 05:00 PM


As we race into this emerging market we all know the finish line.

The finish line is when AR Smart Glasses are comparable to normal glasses in respect of size, weight and esthetics.

But its early days yet. This presentation will review the existing landscape in terms of market segmentation.

From there we will review the application criteria and technical tradeoffs in respect to the users visual experience.

Using these building blocks we explore LED & LASER technologies & how the can enable in the transition from normal to smart glasses.


Director, Marketing , ams OSRAM
Nov 10

04:35 PM - 05:00 PM


As we race into this emerging market we all know the finish line.

The finish line is when AR Smart Glasses are comparable to normal glasses in respect of size, weight and esthetics.

But its early days yet. This presentation will review the existing landscape in terms of market segmentation.

From there we will review the application criteria and technical tradeoffs in respect to the users visual experience.

Using these building blocks we explore LED & LASER technologies & how the can enable in the transition from normal to smart glasses.


Director, Marketing , ams OSRAM
Nov 10

05:05 PM - 05:30 PM


Many developers of AR devices use Diffractive Optical Elements (DOE) on their waveguides to guide the tranmission of an image from the projector to the viewer's eye. Production of such diffractive structures in high volumes presents many challenges in terms of resolution, accuracy, fidelity, yield and cost. Eulitha's breakthrough PHABLE technology brings the proven advantages of photolithography to the AR/VR field, enabling highest quality waveguide production at low cost.


CEO , Eulitha AG
Nov 10

05:05 PM - 05:30 PM


Many developers of AR devices use Diffractive Optical Elements (DOE) on their waveguides to guide the tranmission of an image from the projector to the viewer's eye. Production of such diffractive structures in high volumes presents many challenges in terms of resolution, accuracy, fidelity, yield and cost. Eulitha's breakthrough PHABLE technology brings the proven advantages of photolithography to the AR/VR field, enabling highest quality waveguide production at low cost.


CEO , Eulitha AG
Nov 10

05:35 PM - 06:00 PM


Product demo


CEO , Blippar
Nov 10

05:35 PM - 06:00 PM


Product demo


CEO , Blippar