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Jun 1

02:05 PM - 03:20 PM


Join us as startups pitch to our panel of judges for a chance to be named AWE's "Startup to Watch" for 2023. The winner will be announced at the Auggie Awards ceremony.


Co-Founder & CEO , Trace 3D
CEO , Swave Photonics
Co-founder & CEO , Shader
General Manager and Product Lead , Strawberry Fields Interactive Inc.
Co-Founder & CTO , Shader
CEO , Doublepoint
Managing Partner , Anorak Ventures
CEO , EducationXR
Co Founder & COO , VRWorkout
Co-founder & General Partner , The Venture Reality Fund
VP Accelerator & Portfolio , BoostVC
Co Founder / CEO , XR Workout
Jun 1

03:50 PM - 05:00 PM


Join us as startups pitch to our panel of judges for a chance to be named AWE's "Startup to Watch" for 2023. The winner will be announced at the Auggie Awards ceremony.


CEO , Afference
Co-Founder & COO , Augmented Fantasy
Co-Founder , Atopia
Managing Partner , Anorak Ventures
Co-Founder & CEO , Augmented Fantasy
Co-founder , Benvision
Co-founder & General Partner , The Venture Reality Fund
VP Accelerator & Portfolio , BoostVC
Founder and CEO , SparX
Founder & CEO , ABXR Studio
Audio Designer | Team Benvision , Velan Studios


We will delve into the common pitfalls and drawbacks of using augmented reality in advertising. We will explore how brands and marketers can make AR campaigns more effective and user-friendly, and discuss the importance of considering the target audience and brand message when implementing AR technology. Join us to learn how these lessons can be applied to new ways of advertising and to the emerging field of AR books and education, and discover how to create engaging and meaningful experiences for users.


Brand Strategist , SQUARS
Jun 1

04:05 PM - 04:30 PM


Having energy utilities workers well trained and prepared for any emergency or outage helps to keep our homes safe and warm, our businesses operating and our infrastructure flowing. Preventing the outages or leaks with more effective training is even better. Learn how Local Gas Distribution Companies and Nuclear facilities are incorporating fully immersive Virtual Reality (VR) training courses into their overall training programs to improve day-to-day operations, reinforce preventative measures, and enable personnel to safely experience and resolve emergency situations. Learn how VR training is being used to keep workers safe as the learn how to work more effectively and safely in the plant and in your neighborhoods.


CIO/CTO , Oberon Technologies
Jun 1

04:35 PM - 05:00 PM


Tilt Five, the winner of last year's AWE Auggie Award in gaming, is also the ideal device for collaborating with colleagues on a '3D problem' in the workplace. In fact, the same factors that make Tilt Five such an award-winning platform for entertainment are what make the system an indispensable tool for companies. Find out how Tilt Five delivers the only augmented reality solution that checks all the boxes: collaborative, comfortable, adaptable, affordable and easy to use. Hear what other companies have discovered by embracing the Tilt Five system for enterprise needs.


Chief Operating Officer , Tilt Five
Jun 2

10:40 AM - 11:05 AM


The DPT pixel is a single microLED emitter whose emission wavelength can be tuned all the way from red to blue and beyond, including white light. This removes the need for ‘RGB’ sub-pixels made from different material systems, and no further colour conversion/filtering or complex stacking architectures are required. DPT enables colour uniformity, eliminates complex fabrication processes, simplifies system design to deliver high-performance microLED displays and optical solutions, offers the most advanced approach to full-colour microLED displays, and brings these advantages to the whole display industry.


CEO , Porotech
May 31

01:25 PM - 01:50 PM


Jason McGuigan, Lenovo’s Head of Virtual Reality, will discuss how the current avalanche of AI powered services are acting as a major force multiplier for XR developers. With the launch of the Lenovo ThinkReality VRX, Jason will discuss how some of Lenovo’s software partners are adopting these technologies to enhance their products and deliver profound new experiences to their customers.

He will share examples of these tools in action and discuss how the adoption of GAI will allow smaller teams to do more, reduce the costs of development, and speed the time to market. The results of these advances will be nothing short of revolutionary as enterprise organizations will be able to solve for a greater variety of use cases in higher quality, more cost-effective VR solutions.


Head of Virtual Reality , Lenovo
Jun 2

10:00 AM - 10:25 AM


Shared AR is a foundational service for our AR future and opens up new social opportunities today. Learn more about how Niantic can enable you to create shared experiences with 8th Wall (WebAR) and Lightship ARDK (Unity).


Sr. Product Manager , Niantic, Inc.
Jun 1

03:30 PM - 03:55 PM


With no end in sight to the labor shortages and the expected retirement of the boomer generation over the next seven years, workforce challenges are hitting organizations large and small around the globe. There aren’t enough people to fill the open jobs, and the people that are there need to be capable of doing more things - often with less time for traditional training or upskilling programs. What if you could create instant experts and transfer organizational knowledge with ease? What if you could create instant experts and save millions of dollars in training costs and make your employees more engaged and productive?

In this fireside chat inspired presentation, Michael Hinckley, Sector Manager of Manufacturing Systems Engineering at Northrop Grumman, and Scott Montgomerie, Founder & CEO of Scope AR will talk about how Northrop Grumman created instant experts on their manufacturing floor for assembling some of the world’s most advanced products. Powered by augmented reality, these instant experts accelerated process times by up to 66%, eliminated errors and are creating the next generation of shop floor enablement. Join Scott and Michael to hear real stories of how Northrup Grumman adopted AR, how it went, how it’s going and what is in the future.


Co-founder and CEO , Scope AR
Senior Systems Engineering Mgr (AMT) , Northrop Grumman
Jun 1

01:30 PM - 01:55 PM


A fireside chat with LAMINA1 CEO Rebecca Barkin and Odeon Theatrical CEO Stephanie Riggs on the unique challenges of concepting, designing, and delivering moving and intuitive experiences in immersive mediums. We’ll dive deep into the design challenges stifling Web3 and the development of thriving open virtual worlds, as well as large-scale interactive experience design, and practical strategies for creating meaningful interaction that invites mainstream adoption.


CEO , Lamina1
CEO , Odeon Theatrical
May 31

05:00 PM - 05:55 PM


Welcome to Metaverse Melodies, a groundbreaking live pitch competition where three teams pitch their musical creation to a panel of producers as they vie for the chance to bring their productions to life in virtual reality. In this high-stakes, high-energy session, witness the future of Broadway and live entertainment as it unfolds in the metaverse. The winner will receive the ultimate prize: a full-scale production of their show in virtual reality.. Be part of this pioneering journey that shatters traditional barriers and creates a more inclusive and accessible world of theater, where artists, producers, and crew members come together to build a thriving, equitable ecosystem.

Don't miss out on the chance to witness the birth of the next generation of Broadway and live entertainment, where creativity knows no bounds, and technology takes center stage. Come and be inspired by the rich, diverse stories that will captivate audiences and elevate humanity, both on and beyond the virtual stage.


CEO & Co-Founder , Apples and Oranges
Co-Founder , Apples and Oranges
Film, Theatre & XR Producer , Apples and Oranges
May 31

09:00 AM - 09:45 AM


Ori Inbar, CEO and cofounder of AWE, will welcome attendees to the 14th annual AWE USA 2023 event with the theme: XR is Everywhere!

He will kick off with his annual update about the state of the XR industry and where it's headed, and will follow up with "Metaverse Unplugged" - a super-fan conversation with Neal Stephenson - the legendary author who coined the term Metaverse.


Co-Founder , Lamina1
Co-Founder , AWE and Super Ventures
May 31

05:05 PM - 05:30 PM


In this strategy-forward session, Prince will outline MicroOLED's principles for mass adoption of AR with a focus on commercial/enterprise applications. The session will address what's holding back AR, and propose a path forward to accellerate adoption across a range of use cases from navigation and wayfinding to process and procedure, which can all be addressed with MicroOLED's Light AR solution, today.


GM and Chief Commercial Officer | ENGO , MicroOLED
Jun 2

02:05 PM - 02:30 PM


In this session, we will explore the design aspects of BenVision, an accessible AR experience utilizing a Technology-Centered Design approach. We will discuss the integration of Camera Vision and AI in AR and the role of soundscapes in shaping emotions within XR environments. Our speakers will share their expertise in developing an immersive and accessible experience for vision-impaired individuals.

Using BenVision as a case study, we will investigate how the project enhances the world's experiential appreciation for visually impaired individuals through sound. We will cover our approach to effectively conveying object presence using sound in AR glasses and address ambience, musical soundscapes, and spatial audio features. Additionally, we will discuss our methodology for categorizing object characteristics based on sound qualities.

The session will touch on design principles from both UX and audio perspectives, emphasizing best practices for creating accessible XR experiences that promote functionality and emotional connections. Attendees will gain insights into designing for technology and humanity in the ever-evolving landscape of emerging technologies like XR.


Design Technologist, Scholar , DesignSingapore Council
Audio Designer | Team Benvision , Velan Studios
Jun 2

01:05 PM - 02:00 PM


Join a timely and compelling conversation between product leaders across the field of XR wearables. Nexus Studios hosts a roundtable between innovators at Qualcomm, T-Mobile, and Meta, to explore both present and future trends in HMD AR applications. Spanning both consumer and enterprise solutions, from personal computing, to remote work, to multiuser gaming, hear how professionals are thinking about, preparing for, and executing on the upcoming era of HMD-based augmented reality. What projects, products, and processes will inspire you to see the world anew?


Sr. Director XR , Qualcomm
Head of Immersive , Nexus Studios
XR Lead , T-Mobile
Founder , Th3 Third Door
Jun 1

01:00 PM - 01:25 PM


We often think of mixed reality as blurring the lines between reality and fiction - and do that effectively, developers have long battled to make virtual and augmented worlds more realistic and immersive. Significant progress has been made in displays, haptics, motion tracking, and graphics, but what role does generative AI have to play? And how can developers leverage AI to unlock a new frontier in mixed reality?

AI-driven characters will pave the way for new forms of entertainment, education, and communication. Join Inworld and our partners Niantic and Liquid City in a discussion on developing mixed reality experiences with intelligent characters.


CPO , Inworld AI
General Partner , Brave Capital
Director , Liquid City
Head of Business, Platform & AR Headsets , Niantic
May 31

12:00 PM - 12:25 PM


It is indisputable that technology evolves faster than the ethical use of that technology. This results in inequitable systems that benefit the majority who developed the system while excluding the minority who were outside the scope of participation.

Blockchain and Web3 technologies must be available and usable by all individuals, regardless of their physical or cognitive abilities. However, because of the decentralized approach to development, no one appears to be accountable for making this happen. Making Blockchain and Web3 technologies accessible to individuals with disabilities can increase the potential user base for these technologies, creating new market opportunities. Blockchain and Web3 will face many regulatory hurdles. Making them accessible will remove a regulatory objection in countries that have strong accessibility laws. Many technologies in use every day, such as Siri and Speech to Text, were initially invented for people with disabilities. These are known as curb cuts, named for the dips in street corners that allow wheelchair users to get from one side to the other without assistance however 99 % of the users are not disabled. Including more diversity in developers, including individuals with disabilities, can lead to new and innovative solutions, approaches, and curb cuts that may not have been considered otherwise. Finally, Improving accessibility and disability inclusion will improve the experience for all users, not just those with disabilities, which will lead to increased adoption and usage of Blockchain and Web3.


Senior Staff, Accessibility Architect , VMware


Listen in on a conversation with Meta & Immerse as they discuss the opportunities & pitfalls that come with building a virtual world focused on education. This will be both a lively and candid conversation sharing their behind the scenes experience pioneering cutting edge technology and learning how to balance pedagogical efficacy, quality user experience and scaling a go-to-market strategy.


Head, Global Education Partnerships and Immersive Learning , Meta


In the multisensory virtual experience, the interplay of sight, sound, and touch simulation can enhance our sense of immersion, embodiment, and delight. How far away are we from achieving that? How can we integrate visual, audio, and haptic interfaces to create more compelling experiences? How can we use these tools today to facilitate genuine connection and communication – and what advances do we want to watch out for?

Our panelists will share learnings and observations from their research and development work to exceed the expectations of customers who want new, tactile experiences and unique personal environments. Join us to explore how multisensory experiences might affect the ways in which we create our real (and virtual) spaces.


Director of Marketing , HaptX
Enterprise XR Program Manager , Creator
Founder, Chief Scientist , All These Worlds, LLC
CEO & Co-Founder , Ultraleap
Sr. Creative Technologist , Lowe's
Jun 2

02:50 PM - 03:15 PM


Few people believed that the internet would be preferred to television and that a subscription system would be preferred to a one-time purchase, but it happened. And that's because someone prepared for success in advance. Created their blue ocean. Set the sails in advance. Do you see what I mean?

Now, AR is already shining on the market, but an important event for the entire tech world looms on the horizon: the long-awaited release of AR glasses. Giants such as Apple and Samsung are planning their release as early as 2023, and with them, the Quest ecosystem from Meta is actively developing. Imagine that those long-awaited AR glasses are already in your hands. What will you do with them?

Most admit that they are more likely to just twirl the glasses in their hands, try them on a couple of times and then just put them away for a long time. That's because they don't have a user behavior pattern. So, no need to wait for the wind, grab the sail and set it now. After all, AR exists not only in rare expensive gadgets but also in your personal smartphone. If for some reason you think that AR is out of your way and that such behavioral patterns have nothing to do with you, then let's look at AR from the other side.

And to do this, let's discuss the following questions.

- What kind of content will we need tomorrow and how do we start applying it today? What technologies are needed to create it?

- Looking for effective use of AR for the tasks of clients, business? Learning to measure.

- New AR professions of the future

- Don't wait for mass production of AR glasses. How to teach clients and partners to work with AR?

- What can the community start doing today?


CEO & Founder , DEVAR