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Oct 20

10:35 - 11:00


Moving from VR to AR enables us to visually engage in the real world but presents great challenges for optics. How do we create a display that does not look like a display?


Chief Product Officer , Dispelix
Oct 20

10:35 - 11:00


Moving from VR to AR enables us to visually engage in the real world but presents great challenges for optics. How do we create a display that does not look like a display?


Chief Product Officer , Dispelix
Oct 20

10:55 - 11:20


Harassment has been a consistent feature of networked gaming for at least 30 years, and the potential for damage has only increased with the popularity of social virtual worlds in VR. Beginning in 2016, stories of verbal and physical harassment in Social VR have periodically entered the news cycle, casting the VR platforms as negligent and instigating calls for ever more solutions. These solutions have ranged from user-controlled wearables or features connected to avatars to direct platform moderation, as well as finally community driven efforts.

However, implementing tools to combat abuse requires a balancing act on multiple fronts:
- protecting users from abuse through facilitating meaningful UX design to support social experience;
- keeping social platforms active in moderation and subjecting users to mass surveillance;
- attracting new users by making social VR appealing and warning them about the potential dangers.


Product Manager , VEDX Solutions
Founder , UPWorlds
Oct 20

10:55 - 11:20


Harassment has been a consistent feature of networked gaming for at least 30 years, and the potential for damage has only increased with the popularity of social virtual worlds in VR. Beginning in 2016, stories of verbal and physical harassment in Social VR have periodically entered the news cycle, casting the VR platforms as negligent and instigating calls for ever more solutions. These solutions have ranged from user-controlled wearables or features connected to avatars to direct platform moderation, as well as finally community driven efforts.

However, implementing tools to combat abuse requires a balancing act on multiple fronts:
- protecting users from abuse through facilitating meaningful UX design to support social experience;
- keeping social platforms active in moderation and subjecting users to mass surveillance;
- attracting new users by making social VR appealing and warning them about the potential dangers.


Product Manager , VEDX Solutions
Founder , UPWorlds
Oct 20

11:00 - 13:00


We encourage you to enjoy one of the many amazing restaurants located around the area of the Lisbon Exhibition and Congress Centre.

Oct 20

11:00 - 13:00


We encourage you to enjoy one of the many amazing restaurants located around the area of the Lisbon Exhibition and Congress Centre.

Oct 20

11:00 - 18:00


Whether you want to see the latest tech in our Expo hall or daring, first-of-its-kind, immersive AR & VR demos, join us in the AWE Expo Hall or the Playground to enjoy the best the XR industry has to offer!

Oct 20

11:00 - 18:00


Whether you want to see the latest tech in our Expo hall or daring, first-of-its-kind, immersive AR & VR demos, join us in the AWE Expo Hall or the Playground to enjoy the best the XR industry has to offer!

Oct 20

11:05 - 11:30


What does it mean that something is "real"? In this talk, Nils Pihl of Auki Labs explores how language itself is augmented reality technology, and how the human shamanic impulse and memetics can inform us about the future of AR as a medium, and why sharable AR is the penultimate step in human communication before direct neural interfaces.

Exploring the history and intersection of language, AR and shamanic traditions through the lens of memetics and behavioral psychology, Nils explores what it means for something to be "real" and what "augmenting reality" really means in the context of human interactions.


CEO , Auki Labs
Oct 20

11:05 - 11:30


What does it mean that something is "real"? In this talk, Nils Pihl of Auki Labs explores how language itself is augmented reality technology, and how the human shamanic impulse and memetics can inform us about the future of AR as a medium, and why sharable AR is the penultimate step in human communication before direct neural interfaces.

Exploring the history and intersection of language, AR and shamanic traditions through the lens of memetics and behavioral psychology, Nils explores what it means for something to be "real" and what "augmenting reality" really means in the context of human interactions.


CEO , Auki Labs
Oct 20

11:05 - 11:30


HaptX, Inc. was founded in 2012 with a compelling, if audacious, vision: develop a system capable of providing accurate physical inputs (touch, force, temperature) across an entire user’s body to a degree that the virtual world becomes indistinguishable from the physical world. This system is both an engineering and business challenge, as it requires a commitment to a long-term development roadmap that delivers desirable products along the way. This presentation will cover some of the highlights and pitfalls of the journey to bring such a system to market through a laser focus on enterprise customers. Enterprise customers have been impactful early adopters, because their use cases are so clear; listening closely to their needs has created a durable partnership that benefits the entire industry. Developing haptic technologies that are enterprise-grade is a challenge that HaptX has been working on for a decade now. Yes, it is hard to start a hardware-based startup company. But the best is yet to come and is tantalizingly close.


Co-Founder , HaptX
Oct 20

11:05 - 11:30


HaptX, Inc. was founded in 2012 with a compelling, if audacious, vision: develop a system capable of providing accurate physical inputs (touch, force, temperature) across an entire user’s body to a degree that the virtual world becomes indistinguishable from the physical world. This system is both an engineering and business challenge, as it requires a commitment to a long-term development roadmap that delivers desirable products along the way. This presentation will cover some of the highlights and pitfalls of the journey to bring such a system to market through a laser focus on enterprise customers. Enterprise customers have been impactful early adopters, because their use cases are so clear; listening closely to their needs has created a durable partnership that benefits the entire industry. Developing haptic technologies that are enterprise-grade is a challenge that HaptX has been working on for a decade now. Yes, it is hard to start a hardware-based startup company. But the best is yet to come and is tantalizingly close.


Co-Founder , HaptX
Oct 20

11:05 - 11:30


The AR Cloud will become the most important communication medium of our time, providing connections and context between people, places and connected machines. We will discuss available SDK's and cover the essential elements, components, and tools required to develop public and private spatial computing applications. We'll walk through real world examples created with the YOUAR Cloud SDK to illustrate how to create, use and leverage AR Cloud infrastructure at your facility today.


Oct 20

11:05 - 11:30


The AR Cloud will become the most important communication medium of our time, providing connections and context between people, places and connected machines. We will discuss available SDK's and cover the essential elements, components, and tools required to develop public and private spatial computing applications. We'll walk through real world examples created with the YOUAR Cloud SDK to illustrate how to create, use and leverage AR Cloud infrastructure at your facility today.


Oct 20

11:35 - 12:00


Many businesses struggle with getting users on their SDK, platform, or product. Learn how you can grow your business by appealing to average consumers and working with the XR community. Create a win-win situation for XR businesses and users.


Founder and CEO , Immersive Insiders
Oct 20

11:35 - 12:00


Many businesses struggle with getting users on their SDK, platform, or product. Learn how you can grow your business by appealing to average consumers and working with the XR community. Create a win-win situation for XR businesses and users.


Founder and CEO , Immersive Insiders
Oct 20

11:35 - 12:00


Augmented reality applications hold immense potential to bring people to go outdoors and share experiences with each other. However, to create seamless mixed reality experiences, AR apps require our devices to display perception and comprehension of our environment. In this presentation, I focus on the technical approaches to provide AR apps with the ability to localize and identify other devices, which by extension enables players to enjoy multiplayer AR experiences in which they can interact with each other directly. Vizar Technologies proposes an image processing approach, in which light pulses are emitted in specific light signatures, to provide direct multiplayer AR in smartphones. Our approach is compared with other common approaches, including GNSS with gravimetric and geomagnetic sensors, facial recognition, and add-on devices. As outlook, a few examples of possible future multiplayer AR experiences are highlighted.


CEO , LightClash AR
Oct 20

11:35 - 12:00


Augmented reality applications hold immense potential to bring people to go outdoors and share experiences with each other. However, to create seamless mixed reality experiences, AR apps require our devices to display perception and comprehension of our environment. In this presentation, I focus on the technical approaches to provide AR apps with the ability to localize and identify other devices, which by extension enables players to enjoy multiplayer AR experiences in which they can interact with each other directly. Vizar Technologies proposes an image processing approach, in which light pulses are emitted in specific light signatures, to provide direct multiplayer AR in smartphones. Our approach is compared with other common approaches, including GNSS with gravimetric and geomagnetic sensors, facial recognition, and add-on devices. As outlook, a few examples of possible future multiplayer AR experiences are highlighted.


CEO , LightClash AR
Oct 20

12:30 - 12:55


First introduced in 2011, the Epson Moverio Smart Glasses range is the result of Epson’s expertise in
projection technology (the N°1 global projector manufacturer for more than 20 years) and more
than a decade of experience driving the deployment of smart glasses into key vertical markets.
Using augmented reality (AR) powered by Epson’s unique Si-OLED microdisplay technology, Moverio
Smart Glasses are delivering real benefits to a range of industries through a broad range of use
cases: from expanding virtual work life possibilities and creating innovative and inclusive visitor
experience, to transforming industrial maintenance & training though remote assistance and
workflow guidance.
Whether you are an enterprise end user, software development company, or system integrator,
there is an opportunity for you to benefit from Epson’s smart glasses unique capabilities.
Join us to learn more about our technology and how it can benefit your company and business


Manager of New Market Development , Epson
Oct 20

12:30 - 12:55


First introduced in 2011, the Epson Moverio Smart Glasses range is the result of Epson’s expertise in
projection technology (the N°1 global projector manufacturer for more than 20 years) and more
than a decade of experience driving the deployment of smart glasses into key vertical markets.
Using augmented reality (AR) powered by Epson’s unique Si-OLED microdisplay technology, Moverio
Smart Glasses are delivering real benefits to a range of industries through a broad range of use
cases: from expanding virtual work life possibilities and creating innovative and inclusive visitor
experience, to transforming industrial maintenance & training though remote assistance and
workflow guidance.
Whether you are an enterprise end user, software development company, or system integrator,
there is an opportunity for you to benefit from Epson’s smart glasses unique capabilities.
Join us to learn more about our technology and how it can benefit your company and business


Manager of New Market Development , Epson