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Jun 2

01:30 PM - 01:55 PM


Digital identities will determine where, how, and to whom people appear in the metaverse. In these immersive, embodied spaces, avatars will add a new layer of representation and self-expression to our understanding of digital identity. As we work together to build the future metaverse, it will be critical to define and understand people’s expectations around representation, identity, and expression across both 2D and immersive surfaces. This session will explore our approach to tackling hard questions around identity, representation, and self-expression as we work to build the metaverse responsibly.


Reality Labs Policy Manager , Meta
Jun 3

10:00 AM - 10:25 AM


Until recently, many companies were skeptical about the benefits of implementing augmented reality into their operations and marketing. But advancements in hardware have broken down the barriers for end users, and now new tools are making XR more accessible to creators. I will be exploring how XR tech has been demystified though consumer activations, and can be developed faster and easier than ever before, eliminating obstacles both in front and behind the scenes, and increasing demand.


Founder , Mostly Misfits


Join HP for an overview of XR solutions and the best ways to enhance Collaboration, Training, and Education. With groundbreaking technology and manageability tools, is powering the most desirable immersive XR ecosystem that naturally empowers all people to better themselves.


Head of VR Business Development , HP
Jun 2

04:10 PM - 04:35 PM


The focus on increasing brand loyalty and creating value out of long-term relationships is leading many of the world’s most innovative brands straight to humanized AI. Digital People possess the emotional intelligence to deliver a more empathetic customer service experience, generate enriching digital content, and unlock elements of scale — all through a visual interface that reacts appropriately and interacts collaboratively. Check out this session and learn how Digital People can provide data on your customer needs, preferences, and emotional states which then becomes a competitive advantage and value for your business.


Senior Director, CX Strategy , Soul Machines
Jun 2

05:10 PM - 05:35 PM


Due to the demanding optical architectures of diffractive waveguide gratings used for augmented reality applications, the gratings must be manufactured to extremely high accuracies, or the image quality will suffer. The grating period has to match the designs within tens of picometers, and the tolerances for the relative orientation of the gratings are in the arcsecond range. Both the production masters and the replicated gratings need to be characterized nondestructively, and the grating areas scanned to ensure uniformity. The measurement system should work for surface relief and volume holographic gratings in various material systems. We describe a Littrow diffractometer that can perform this challenging task. A narrow-band and highly stable laser source is used to illuminate a spot on the sample. Mechanical stages with high-accuracy encoders rotate and tilt the sample, until the laser beam is diffracted back to the the laser. This so-called Littrow condition is detected through a feedback loop with a beam splitter and a machine vision camera. The grating period and relative orientation can then be calculated from the stage orientation data. With the system properly constructed, and custom software algorithms performing an optimized measurement sequence, it is possible to reach repeatability in the picometer and arcsecond range for the grating period and relative orientation, respectively. By carefully calibrating the stages or by using golden samples, absolute accuracy for the grating period can also reach picometer range.


Team Lead, Optics , OptoFidelity
Jun 3

03:05 PM - 03:30 PM


Nonprofits need creative ways to capture attention, funding, and supporters. There is so much competition for dollars along with challenges in getting your message in front of the right audience. Many organizations aren't able to show their donors the impact, particularly nonprofits that work overseas. As the world becomes more digital, innovative organizations like Hope for Haiti are using VR to transport people to Haiti, in a totally immersive setting. Hope for Haiti and FXG partnered to design an interactive social app, optimized for the Oculus Quest. Users can explore a three classroom school (modeled off an actual school in Haiti) and roam a rural Haitian landscape. The app is designed to provide a hands-on experience and give users a more positive perception of the country, by building a connection to the environment. Since the app’s inception, Hope for Haiti raised funds through a VR NFT auction, was highlighted in XR publications, and connected with new supporters and donors. Hope for Haiti aims to be a roadmap for other nonprofits to embrace VR as a way to share their work and mission. The Hope for Haiti app is available for free download on SideQuest.


Dir. of Innovative Philanthropy , Hope for Haiti
Jun 1

03:25 PM - 03:50 PM


The internet can be regarded as a closed-off and isolated environment. People enter the web through devices that conceal or distort their identities, creating a landscape of anonymous users. It is well acknowledged and discussed that much of the physical world, most significantly human connection, is lost in the digital climate. The trajectory of this disconnect is a concern for many, particularly when considering young and future generations are born with internet access in their immediate grasp. And while, for some, this is a daunting prospect, there are tools and devices that will ensure the positive innovations of this beyond belief. Augmented Reality has the power to connect users both in the digital and physical worlds - the technology fuses the two environments, establishing a meeting point in which people remain who and where they are. But how do we reach the point of an entirely augmented reality?

In his presentation, Faisal Galaria will discuss the concept that in order to enable this state, in which communities of people utilise the power of AR, it is essential that they are not only observers and users, but also creators - with the ability to shape their own ecosystems. And while collaboration and sharing are at the core of published AR experiences, it is imperative that these elements are also a possibility in the building stage. At Blippar, the integration of our AR SaaS tools into working team platforms will foster communities of AR creators and pioneers - providing accessible and inspirational innovation environments, both on and offline.


CEO , Blippar


Still consumer behavior continues to change, e-commerce continues to grow and virtualization gains traction. What is the future of our malls, stores, and for that matter all Consumer Environments?

Are consumers ready for completely virtual immersive realities, events, and shopping?

What will become of a massive commercial real estate market that contributes $33Trillion to the US economy alone?

While we are dreaming of a long-term virtual meta-reality the near-term mixed reality future is being created inside of the Built Environment.

In this session, Jeremy Bergstein, Vice President of Customer Experience at Resonai, will discuss the future of malls, retail, and consumer venues, and why our the near-term meta-reality will likely be created in our Built World.


VP of Global Experience , Resonai
Jun 3

10:10 AM - 10:35 AM


Within USA TODAY NETWORK's DNA is the desire to innovate how the organization tells stories. Since 2018 USA TODAY's Emerging Technologies team has developed over 40 highly engaging and interactive augmented reality (AR) experiences, exploring complex, historical, and trending news topics. Recognizing an opportunity to improve the core user experience within the app's framework, the team leveraged engagement analytics and external user testing to develop a robust and intuitive user onboarding sequence, resulting in a 3x increase in average time spent per user.

A few media-rich AR experiences that include the updated framework are “Seven Days of 1961: A Dangerous Ride on the Road to Freedom,” "Champions of Women's Suffrage,” "Accused: The Impending Execution of Elwood Jones,” “Attica: A Prison Uprising 50 Years Later,” and many others. The Emerging Technology team has also implemented accessible designs to meet their audience's growing expectations for new and inclusive forms of premium interactive experiences.
Will Austin, the Senior Designer of Emerging Technology, will explore the evolution of UI/UX to foster a deeper understanding of AR amongst casual consumers. He will also share insights and case studies on USA TODAY's onboarding challenges, new instructional design, and its vision for the future of premium interactive editorial experiences.


Sr. Designer , Gannett | USA TODAY NETWORK


Creativity is at the heart of the TikTok experience. To expand what’s possible on TikTok and take content creation to the next level, TikTok launched Effect House — an effect development platform that empowers effect creators to build AR experiences and effects for TikTok’s global community.

During Effect House's early beta, effects made in Effect House were used in more than 1.5 billion TikTok videos and garnered over 600 billion views globally.

Join the team at TikTok to learn about how Effect House has inspired a new wave of storytelling, fun, and entertainment across TikTok. Hear about how the team developed the robust, dynamic features that power Effect House and learn some best practices for showcasing your creativity with XR on TikTok.


Product Management , TikTok
Head of AR Effect , TikTok
Jun 1

05:35 PM - 06:00 PM


The OpenXR standard, from the Khronos Group, is a royalty-free open standard that enables application developers to program to a single, common, high-performance API which supports a number of different AR and VR platforms. Containing everything an application needs to drive XR devices in a system, OpenXR helps applications run on a multitude of platforms, allowing hardware manufacturers to gain access to a broader range of pre-existing content. In this session Brent Insko, Lead XR Architect for Intel and OpenXR Working Group Chair will be joined by Lisa Watts, VP Product Marketing & Developer Programs for Magic Leap to discuss the benefit of cross-platform development with OpenXR.

Lisa will present typical myth busters about developing on an OpenXR platform and Brent will share recent industry developments for the open standard, explain how XR developers can integrate OpenXR into their workflows, with updates about expanded augmented reality support that is under development for OpenXR. Together, these two speakers will highlight the role OpenXR plays in getting gaming, entertainment and enterprise XR developers to a common ground. Developers will leave with a fresh understanding of how to leverage OpenXR to create cross-platform XR experiences and expand the open metaverse.


CEO , OneTwenty1
Lead XR Architect , Intel
Jun 2

02:00 PM - 02:25 PM


Join us for some of the latest behind-the-scenes research in Google Advanced Technology and Projects Group. We introduce a new full-body interaction technique that uses miniaturized radar technology and advanced machine learning for the detection and recognition of spatial relations, as they naturally occur around devices ( By continuously sensing spatial behaviors and movements, ambient computing devices can anticipate our intent, and participate in our everyday life in a more considerate and respectful way: they can reduce the need for direct interactions, or automate some actions in the background, so that the user doesn’t have to attend to them at all –ultimately freeing us from unnecessary tasks.


Design Lead , Google
Staff Research Engineer , Google
Jun 1

12:00 PM - 12:25 PM


As we begin to build out communities inside the Metaverse/virtual worlds, are there any key architectural tenants and principals we should consider first, that might be different from game design ecosystems? Traditional Experience Design from themed attractions have long been well equipped to answer these questions. Tune in to this fireside chat with Disney Imagineer and Experience Designer, Amy Jupiter, to help us better understand if building for the Metaverse holds the same requirements as building a new themed attraction.


Founder/Chief Experience Designer , ByJove: A Collective of Perspective TM
Tech Humanist, XR Strategist , The Collaboratorium


Western Science has a lot to learn from Indigenous Science, it’s a co-evolution of HCI (Human Computer Interaction) knowledge that is so key, right now. We are in the tools building decade. For the past several years LINK (Living Indigenous Network of Knowledge) has been at the forefront building XR tools for global Indigenous communities to create their own stories. At the same time AXRI has been building tools and understanding for neurodivergent communities to participate in virtual worlds/building. At the very core, it's about embedding and/or infusing Indigenous and Neurodivergent values and essence into any object oriented design processes. It's integrated thinking and individualized storytelling at a time where we haven’t yet finished the “proverbial" book on Universal Access & Design. This realtime conversation of what is happening in Russia/Ukraine applies. The LINK of tribal networks can use XR to cross borders and boundaries to help tell stories and be translators when physical access is shut down.


Tech Humanist, XR Strategist , The Collaboratorium
Research Scientist , University of Idaho
Professor , University of Idaho
Project Developer , AXR Institute
Jun 2

08:00 PM - 11:00 PM


Join us at Sushi Confidential ( 26 N San Pedro St, San Jose, CA 95113) for the official AWE Afterparty!

One way shuttles available immediately following the Auggie Awards. Open to all AWE participants with an AWE badge.

Come enjoy drinks and snacks while mingling with friends and colleagues and make those memorable AWE-some connections!


The social unrest and increase in crime the past few years -- exacerbated by the pandemic -- has led to renewed concerns for safety. In this session, we explore how VR is actively being used to improve public safety training for optimal outcomes. From increasing access to training, to learning situational awareness around mental illness, to improving decision-making under stress, Axon is pioneering VR with a mission-based purpose: to protect lives and make our communities safer.


VP , Axon
Jun 1

04:05 PM - 04:30 PM


Due to digital disruption, 52% of Fortune 500 companies have been purchased, gone bankrupt, or ceased to exist since 2000. Digital disruption is only growing in scope, and no industry is immune. Companies are being forced to find their footing in this new Meta world as the Fourth Industrial Revolution approaches. VIRNECT, an Industrial Collaborative XR company, has been working to address the digital transformation gaps that many industrial businesses are experiencing. From large-scale asset digitization to empowering hybrid workforces and increasing operational throughput with robotics and data, the possibilities are endless. In this session, learn how we're enabling impact, speed, and scale at industrial sites spanning Manufacturing, Energy, Mining, and Transportation.


Manager , VIRNECT


As Marty Neumeier so aptly describes, a brand is the “gut feeling” people have about your product/service. How do you ensure that your brand in the metaverse doesn’t give indigestion to your customer’s avatar?

The first step is re-examining your core brand assets so that they travel well. Whether or not you have technical teams engineering your immersive presence, brands with traditional agencies, brand managers and creative staff need to make sure the building blocks of brand are reevaluated, taking a new look at their brand strategy, customer profiles, success metrics, mission, vision, values, naming conventions, even color palette. The art and practice of building brands hasn’t changed, but there are new questions your guidelines need to answer.

Cynthia and Justin will walk you through what they believe are the first 10 Essential Questions, and how to uncover what your specific brand needs to evaluate.


Brand Experiences & Strategic Partnerships , Walmart
Head of 3D Creative Technology , Walmart
Jun 1

10:05 AM - 10:30 AM


No longer just an idea, a multitude of players, brands and OEMs are bringing the Metaverse to life. Join Hugo Swart, VP and GM of XR at Qualcomm Technologies Inc., as he talks about the constellation of devices and exciting developer tools like Snapdragon Spaces that will drive truly immersive spatial computing experiences. As the leader of the XR team at Qualcomm, Hugo has a front row seat into the platforms, technologies and solutions under development that are your ticket to the Metaverse.


VP & GM, XR , Qualcomm


With augmented reality, teachers are able to stimulate their students' sense of sight, hearing and touch, heightening the level of engagement and motivation the students have for learning. Sara Smith, CEO and Cofounder of MARVL, and Murewa Olubela, CBO and Cofounder of MARVL, will share insights on how using immersive technologies, in particular AR, leads to increased interactive experiences with coursework, collaboration between students, improved motivation, and increased learning gains for students, and why it would benefit the XR industry to create solutions that enable equity in education.


Cofounder and Chief Building Officer , MARVL