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Jun 3

10:40 AM - 11:05 AM


Emerging technology looks to reshape not just what entertainment is, but how we connect and work with each other everyday. This presentation will include intersectional minorities in emergent VR and AR development to discuss the steps needed towards creating for equity instead of only equality. It will serve as an educational opportunity to guide newcomers and veterans alike to practice inclusive frameworks throughout every stage of a project's life cycle. Our discussion will innovatively push the boundaries of how people perceive the metaverse and its potential impact on the VR/AR community.


Director of Learning Success , HoloPundits
Head of Immersive , Collimation
Creative Creative Officer , ARound
Jun 3

09:00 AM - 09:55 AM


At the heart of every successful Augmented Reality(AR) experience, is solid storytelling that leaves the user with an emotional connection to the brand. Consumer demand for a personalized experience and emotional realism to content has been a major driver for AR experiences. However, capturing lifelike, digital recreations was limited. Volcap enables AR to break free from the frame and into fully immersive worlds, creating authentic, realistic experiences for the user across multiple verticals including entertainment, sports, training, enterprise, gaming, and more. How do you tell your brand story in AR using VolCap? Join our panel as they discuss how AR has taken the reins using VolCap to create personalized experiences for consumers, while providing brands with the ultimate immersion.


CEO , Metastage
CEO and Founder , MVP Interactive
XR Partnerships, Product Innovation , Verizon


Companies spend millions of dollars every year on using 3D & 2D software and have to sacrifice many hours of highly skilled time to create usable 3D assets. This not only creates a barrier to entry but also makes 3D content creation non-sustainable, not scalable, expensive and very time consuming.. Companies further have to invest (and have invested) heavily in automation and modern 2D to 3D techniques such as photogrammetry to fix the common problems that arise with a variety of categories and asset types, often needing an extensive last mile edit by highly skilled 3D artists to complete the asset for commercial use. Join Daniel Frith (Vice President of 3D) from Avataar as he expands upon the advancements in Neural Radiance Field technology (NeRF) and how this will democratize 3D, introduce scale and disrupt the 3D industry.


VP - 3D Platform , Avataar
Jun 3

09:00 AM - 09:55 AM


Advances in XR technology raise important socio-technological issues – not the least of which is the potential for unprecedented insight into users’ behaviors, preferences, and mental processes.
That said, however, the adoption of XR technology need not and should not be an “us (the consumer) versus them (the industry)” scenario. Instead, industry and civil rights advocates should work together to tackle privacy challenges and ensure we get forthcoming policies and best practices right. Because XR is still relatively nascent, we have the opportunity to avoid mistakes of the past and develop this technology with a more informed, cleared-eyed approach. The XR industry and XR users should be partners in this process.
This panel will explore the ways in which the XR industry, civil society, policymakers, and other stakeholders can work together to advance the greater good. We will discuss the influence of civil society; the role of law and policymakers; the science behind XR technology and the challenges privacy by design presents to engineers; and the opportunity for industry to help lead the way.


Director of Policy , U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Deputy Director and General Counsel , LGBT Technology Partnership & Institute
Vice President of Public Policy , XR Association
Reality Labs Policy Manager , Meta
Chief of Staff to Rep. Ro Khanna , U.S. House of Representatives
Jun 1

11:30 AM - 11:55 AM


Building AR apps poses a unique challenge for developers because they must account for dynamic environments and objects. In this session, we’ll show you how a simulation feature coming to Unity’s AR Foundation can help solve those challenges and increase development speed. You’ll also hear from a team of University of Florida developers about how they used Unity to build an XR app that helps reduce vaccine hesitancy by using body-tracking features and simulation.


Software Engineer , Digital Worlds Institute, University of Florida
Senior Manager, Technical Product Management , Unity Technologies
Founder , Digital Worlds Institute, University of Florida
Manager, Software Engineering , Unity Technologies
Jun 3

01:30 PM - 02:00 PM


We are rapidly entering the world of augmented intelligent reality where experiences are built at an intersection of the real and digital worlds. In this talk we will share some amazing success stories: discover how Passio is using Unity to build game-changing experiences by combining AR with AI that runs on user devices to transform fitness, healthcare, home remodel and other industries. Join us and be inspired to create the world of your dreams using the next wave of AI and AR technologies.


Co-Founder & CEO , Passio
Jun 1

02:55 PM - 03:20 PM


Designing a wearable AR device that is wearable and comfortable for extended periods of time requires deep understanding of users, including how and where they will be using it. Within the global population we find many differences in the factors that drive fit & comfort in AR, which presents a substantial challenge to design. Danny will discuss several aspects of human anthropometry, along with the concepts of Fit Mapping and Fit Testing as they apply to designing wearable devices for a global audience.


Sr Director , Magic Leap
Jun 3

02:05 PM - 02:30 PM


Learn how to use Unity’s XR Interaction Toolkit to build AR/VR applications with a common set of inputs that work across different platforms. Get a hands-on look at how to get started with a sample project, and find out what’s new in version 2.0, including some upcoming 2.1 features.


Senior Technical Product Manager , Unity Technologies
Manager, XR Input & Interactions , Unity Technologies
Jun 1

11:30 AM - 11:55 AM


Digital Twins, The Metaverse, Game Engines, 3D Maps and Computer Vision are all merging to make a vision of "Sim City" where the city is our real city. When will this happen? How will it happen? What will it mean for AR and VR? What will we use it for? Why will web3 & crypto be important?

Matt will explore what comes after the AR Cloud is built, and we can finally connect The Metaverse to the Real World, showing technically ground-breaking world-first demos of his new startup which is making all this possible


CEO , Stealth


Discover how brands can use Unity to build and publish real-time 3D experiences that engage their consumers on multiple platforms, whether it’s a web-based 3D product configurator or an immersive VR experience, and guide shoppers along their purchase journey. Thanks to headless integration with Salesforce Commerce Cloud, shoppers can then make their final purchase without leaving their immersive experience. See how Unity and Salesforce are evolving the e-commerce experience.


Senior Product Manager, Global Commerce Cloud ,
Senior Business Strategy Manager , Unity Technologies


Despite the fact that humans have never been more connected, we still see divisiveness and rhetoric that separates us in tangible ways far exceeding physical distance. Join Unity's Vice President of Social Impact, Jessica Lindl, as she interviews three creators about how their work is changing the world for the better as they use real-time 3D to bring to life their dreams for a better future.

DressX‘s Co-Founder, Daria Shapovalova, will share how LA-based DressX creates digital fashion to reduce the carbon footprint of the fashion industry and has actually measured the real carbon reduction of their process.

Embodied Labs’ CEO and Founder Carrie Shaw will discuss how she's using VR to help caregivers. Virtual reality allows you the opportunity to step into someone else’s shoes–to deeply understand the lived experience of another person. Caregivers know what to expect, how to relate, and how to respond more clearly, support more confidently, and serve with greater purpose.


VP of Social Impact , Unity
Co-Founder , DressX
CEO & Founder , Embodied Labs
Head of Product Marketing and Business Development , Scatter
Jun 1

12:20 PM - 12:45 PM


While dog ears and rainbows might first come to mind when you think of Snapchat, Snap’s camera has become far more powerful – evolving from a way to communicate visually into a robust augmented reality platform. With great advancements in AR technology and its proven value, there’s great demand for AR experiences to help people express themselves, play, shop, make art, learn about the world – and there’s so much more to explore.

In this session, learn how tools like Lens Studio, Camera Kit and Spectacles empower over 250,000 developers and creators alike to build businesses and redefine what’s possible with Snap AR today.


Head of AR Developer Relations , Snap, Inc.
Head of AR Platform Partnerships , Snap, Inc.
Jun 2

03:00 PM - 03:25 PM


The power of XR for training is now well established – endless projects have shown that it can reduce training time and risk, increase knowledge retention, improve trainee throughput, and much more. The ROI is clear and enterprise organizations are increasingly looking to bring this technology into their core learning strategies.

But it’s not easy. There are still a number of barriers – some of which can only be solved by key players, but others which can be addressed by a different approach across the industry. Enterprise customers need cost-effectiveness, choice and flexibility to scale – so how do we provide this? And if content is king, how do XR creators and technology companies work together to create an environment with more options, fewer barriers and better solutions? There is a better way.




There are over 300 companies worldwide building VR training content and thousands of companies with
VR headsets, including over half of the Fortune 500. Immerse saw this as an opportunity to connect
creators and enterprise organizations looking to take advantage of the unique benefits of immersive
training. Allowing enterprises fast and easy access to all forms of content – from off the shelf to custom,
the Immerse Marketplace allows companies to quickly and cost-effectively offer immersive content to
their workforce, maximizing their VR investments and content providers benefit from new revenue streams.

The current VR landscape doesn’t make it easy – and we’ll look at the challenges and road ahead. But
this could be the key to unlocking a low cost, high impact VR vault that enterprise has long been looking


Partnerships Director ,
Jun 1

02:55 PM - 03:20 PM


AR already powers compelling ways for shoppers to visualize, try on, and experience products before buying them – helping to increase sales and reduce returns, benefitting both shoppers and businesses alike. In this workshop-style session, we’ll show you how you can create and publish AR Try-On Lenses, whether you’re a beginner, brand or business, or an experienced developer. From external body mesh to cloth simulation, you will see how the Snap AR platform is reimagining retail and fueling some of the most advanced, realistic experiences on mobile today.


AR Engineer , Snap, Inc.
Jun 3

10:25 AM - 10:55 AM


IEEE Future Directions drives efforts on current, new and emerging technologies. Specifically of interest is the focus on immersive and intelligent realities leveraging AR/VR/MR, AI/ML driving the overall digital transformation. Hear more on what IEEE is doing in this space.


President , Coughlin Associates
Co-Founder , Xmark Labs
Future Directions Senior Program Director , IEEE


When an immersive experience takes on all or most of a person’s senses, it becomes a new dimension. Large amount of creativity goes into architecting a dimension (characters, story line, visual, sound, touch feedback) and large amount of compute goes into rendering such dimension into reality (high quality sound and graphics, tracking) this on top of the ingenious instrumented space where such dimension exists.

Previously, rendering of sounds and visuals of a dimension were limited to the amount of compute a person could carried. Compute offloading with high bandwidth, low latency wireless technologies are removing such limitation. New dimensions can quickly utilize what state of the art compute and rendering technologies can deliver with the potential of shortening development and deployment cycles.


Void , The Void
VP of XR , XCOM Labs


‘Metaverse’ technologies have promised to bring us together, but many have left us with the illusion of connection. Removing us from the familiar into uncanny and uncomfortable experiences that cannot be sustained or enjoyed by all. We need to start with places where our friends and family gather together. Tilt Five builds on everyone’s favorite pastime – game night – and sprinkles in augmented reality (AR). Blending physical presence and virtual ones, Tilt Five’s holographic gaming system allows for users to interact with each other, whether together or remotely, and of course, the holograms on their table! Jeri Ellsworth joins AWE to share how we can create meaningful social interactions by reinventing game night.


CEO , Tilt Five
Jun 1

02:25 PM - 02:50 PM


Coming Soon!


VP & GM of Product Business Unit , DigiLens


How to make remote collaboration and self-solve AR experiences accessible in Customer Support and Field Service scenarios, along with the importance of seamless integration into your organization’s existing service management platforms, such as ServiceNow, to drive scale, reduce technical sprawl, and increase value via post event visibility, audits, and AI insights to deliver improved business outcomes.


VP Industrial Solutions , CareAR - A Xerox Company